Chapter 33- hospital

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I was awakened by the consistent sound of the machine that was hooked to my hospital bed. I hate the hospital, it makes me feel nauseous.

"Babe, babe are you ok ?" Kyle shook me gently kissing me on he lips.

"Mmhm what happened?" I pouted

"You fainted " he answered simply, caressing my head.

"Did the doctor say anything?"

"No, well..not yet"
The doctor soon pushed the doors open and smiled gently. "I'm glad you're awake, now there is nothing to worry about".

"Phew" Relief was knocked off my shoulders.

"The reason you fainted Miss Matthews, was because you have a lack of iron in your blood, this is the reason you have been so tired and nauseous lately, now the baby is fine, but you would need to take some vitamins or eat iron rich foods" he informed, flashing his pearly whites. "Alright, so you can get going if you like, that's it, you are all good to go" he smiled.

"Thanks Doc" Kyle commented helping me up out the bed and putting my shoes on my feet, since I could barely see my feet.

We then signed the discharge papers and left that nauseous suffocating place.

"I was thinking, shall we go to the mall and buy some things for the baby " Kyle offered

"Sounds like a good idea" I smiled tugging at the hem of my shirt. Knowing I've already went with my mom and Lucy but it won't hurt to go again.

"I can't wait until he's here " his smile widened from ear to ear caressing my almost bursting stomach.

"Erm.. no" I shook my head " I like this one" I pulled out the duck egg coloured onesie.

"You are so fussy" he rolled his eyes.

"How about this one?" I pulled out a fluorescent orange onesie.

He crumpled up his nose and shook his head in disgust. "Nope"

"I'm hungry" I announced loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"Ah, okay" Kyle agreed "I hate shopping anyway" he commented adjusting his cap on his head backwards.

As I reached to the till, Kyle's phone began blaring, he grabbed it out of his pocket answering it eagerly, walking outside the shop

"35.20" the shop assistant smiled, I inserted my card entering the pin."Got a long way to go?" She questioned. She had a nice golden brown skin with short curly brown locks.

"Just two more months,I'm ready to pop any minute" I added, the time is coming closer than I thought, my baby boy is going to be here very soon. She handed me my bags and receipt wishing me a nice day.

I met Kyle outside of the shop where he seem to be sitting on the bench scrolling through his phone. "Who was that on the phone" I asked nosily, I really shouldn't be asking.

"Just the boys asking if you were ok"

"Oh" I replied "well lets go now, I'm so hungry" I whined dragging him to subway. I ordered myself a footlong and some chocolate chip cookies, with and large drink and I was good to go.

By the time I finished my lunch, we were already home. As we just opened the door, Lucy and Cameron rushing out of the door, "she's having contractions" he announced as Lucy whimpered trying to control her breathing.

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