chapter 12- parents are back

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Great, I haven't even gotten to have 5 minutes to myself in the pool. My mom and dad are coming back in a bit,I'm kind of happy because I haven't seen them in long time but, however I'm kind of annoyed and angry towards them because we haven't seen them in 3 months and now they want to show up. I can't blame them they must miss us.

I stared at myself once more in the mirror adjusting my floral sundress and slipping into my gold sandals before I walked out of my bedroom door. As I was walking down the stairs I watched my mom and dad hug my brothers and their friends.

"Demi sweetie" my mom gushed running over to me and squeezing me into a breath taking hug as her heels clacked against the marble floor .

"Hey mom" I smiled hugging her back, "You've grown so much" she gasped shocked,pulling away and examining what I have on .

"It's called months mom, I don't think you've heard of it but it's when teenagers change over a long period of time" my bitchiness and sarcasm is coming back. I smiled as I heard the boys snicker and then walking off into their own world. Let me guess,the game room.Kyle smiled at me making my breath hitch in my throat 'be nice' he mouthed at me and winked afterwards.

My mom just tutted at me shaking her head. "Hey daddy" I hugged him breathing in his cologne. I've always loved my dads cologne, who even invented cologne? Whoever did they're absolutely amazing.

"Hey squirt" he cooed squeezing my cheeks and ruffling my hair. "NO" I exclaimed swatting his hands away "Do you know how long it took to get my hair like this" I groaned adjusting it in the mirror.

"Right I'll just pack everything away and then I'll start dinner" mom squealed practically running up the stairs. I could've stayed in the pool! Oh for goodness sake!

"So, sweetie who do I have to scare away" my dad asked pulling up his sleeves.

"What do you mean" I asked completely bamboozled.

He scoffed sitting down on the couch "I mean have you got a boyfriend?".

I blushed "Maybe".

He squealed "So,tell me all about it,tell me the goss" I laughed.Oh my dad knows how to cheer me up. You see my dad is not as bad as my brothers they're just too overprotective,because they know what can happen with young teens these days.

"I'm telling everyone over dinner" I smiled.

My mom came back downstairs "So, are you going to help me prepare the food"

I shook my head

"Um sorry mom,but I have to clean my room because it's a mess" I kissed her on the cheek. I ran upstairs after I watched her and dad walk into the kitchen.

'Meet me in my room' I texted Kyle

' already ahead of you' he replied nearly instantly.A small smile tugged at my lips as I saw Kyle sitting in one of my beanbags on the floor. I don't even know how he found it under all of this mess.

I jumped on him,making him groan. I just laughed taking in his cologne. My head was laying on his lap and I was facing him.

"So" I giggled "What are you even doing in my room" I questioned raising my eyebrow.

"I just knew that you would come up here afterwards" he smirked

"Oh really?" I laughed "So, are you going to help me tidy my room" I asked.

"Only if I get to see your underwear draw" he teased, I playfully hit him on his arm and laughed.

"Oh I forgot to tell you,we're announcing to everyone that we're finally together" I squealed pecking his lips and jumped out of his lap making a start of this mission.

Unexpected {Currently Editing}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें