Chapter 34 - its time

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2 months later and 9 months pregnant.

It's April 13th 2017,I should be due any day now.

My stomach feels like it's going to explode any day now.I thought being pregnant at 7 months was bad. Clearly I was wrong because this is worse, stretch marks are darting across my stomach making it quite sore and itchy. My back hurts and my feet are swollen and nothing is going right.

Lucy gave birth to a beautiful little girl with piercing grey eyes with a hint green, born on February 22nd. Two months old now and she is going to be the most spoiled little girl ever, with her tiny little delicate fingers and her smooth skin.

My eye fluttered open and I rolled into a warm back,Kyle, next to me stirring and babbling in his sleep. We went out to the park yesterday-it was like 37 degrees- with his little cousin Skye and had a small picnic. Kyle sat in the sun the whole day with his shirt off and got a now he just won't keep still.

I got up and went to the bathroom, scrubbing my face as a few mini volcanos have been popping up on my cheeks. I tied my hair up, I'm considering to cut it again as it has reached my back - I want it back to shoulder length-brushed my teeth and went back into my room. Where I see Kyle has taken up most of the bed, I leaned over and peppered him with kisses until he woke up.

"Morning babe" he groaned rolling to the other side of the bed, dragging the duvet with him, trying to wake him up in the morning is the most difficult thing ever.

"Wake up" I said kissing him again "you told me you would take me to that ice cream parlour, you went to when you was a kid" I jumped around eagerly, my mouth craving some Oreo ice-cream with syrup it's the best thing ever.

"Okay. Okay I'm up" he said groggily, our boy was doing back flips in my stomach, kicking me viciously, like a ninja. "Ow" I winced,  cupping my stomach.

"You okay babe" he hollered from the bathroom peeking through the gap of the door.

"Mhm" I nodded, ignoring the pain shooting up my spine, I took a seat on my beanbag and Yoshi squashed his way beside me, he was getting big almost like a lion, his mesmerising electric blue eyes were striking in contrast to his icy grey mane.

"Hello gorgeous, nana loves you yes she does" my mom cooed, rocking Esme in her arms whilst smothering her face with pecks of kisses. I watched how she wriggled around in her arms, letting out a breath of yawn, her eyes fluttering open, wisps of brown locks shot out from her pastel pink knitted hat.

"She's beautiful" I stated, rubbing my huge stomach and waddling into the kitchen where she grabbed her a Luke warm bottle.

"Wait until your little one comes" her smile grew bigger, I rushed over to the plate of pancakes which were set out on the counter. Flooding the plate with maple syrup and bananas and Nutella-my favourite.

"I know, he'll pop out any day now" I muffled stuffing another forkful of pancakes in my mouth.

"Morning Sweetheart"my dad emerged from the living room wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans, "hello my gorgeous little granddaughter" he smiled, caressing her rosy cheeks as she gulped down on her breakfast.

"She reminds me of Demi when she was young and we just moved in to our house, the boys would run around like they had a sugar rush, bouncing off the walls, pestering us to hold her and repeatedly asking us how did she get here" he said letting out a light hearted chuckle and grabbing himself a plate from the cupboard.

He scratched his head, absolutely confused, "where are the rest of the pancakes?"

I furrowed my brows, "these were to share? Whoops". He squinted at me jokingly, and pulled a yoghurt out of the fridge "I was eating healthily anyways" he remarked, sarcastically.

Unexpected {Currently Editing}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora