"No more words lady! You are coming and that's final! And where is that bubbly arse, Dylan? I missed that lad a lot!"

Bella chuckled at the old nickname that Eliza used for Dylan replaying their college days in London. "Come, I will let you meet him. I am sure he is going to lose his nuts after seeing you."

"Oh, he already lost them after that hot model of a princess he married that I never heard about by the way." They were now making their way up the stairs towards the king's main grand office.

"You heard about that?"

Eliza scoffed." Who didn't hear bout that Bels? You are royalty and you know I am a sucker for gossip."

Bella gave her a look. "That unfortunately I know."

"And by the way who is the hot piece of meat that you had a scandal with? Huh? Is that your boyfriend? You and bubbly arse took the twin hot royal package?" Eliza nudged Bella playfully through the corridor.

"Shut up Liz!" Bella chuckled and then knocked on Dylan's door.

"Come in."

"God! His voice got more manly." Eliza whispered.

Bella rolled her eyes, a small smile never leaving her face as she opened Dylan's office door sticking her head through the door. "Hey Bels what got you here?"

"I have a surprise for you." Dylan gave her a weird look as she opened the door more wide revealing squealing Eliza.

"Bubbly arse!"

"Liz!" And Eliza was jumping on Dylan by now engulfing him in a crushing hug. "Oh god! It's really you."

They broke the hug and she slapped him on the shoulder. "Of course it's me. Who else would call you bubbly arse?"

"Apparently no sane person would call me that."

"That very true my friend." Eliza nodded smirking. "But oh my god Dyl! You got hotter dude! I mean you always were hot but now damn!" Then she walked around him slapping his ass. "Even your arse isn't bubbly anymore. Shame! Really it suited your name."

Dylan and Bella let out a high laugh roaring the palace as a throat was cleared at the same time. They turned to see where the voice came from to see Ashley standing behind Dylan.

"Oh my god! That's your hot model princess. God Dyl, even your standards got higher."

"Geez Eliza, would you ever have more faith in me?" Then Dylan put his arms around furious looking Ashley pulling her closer to his side. "Eliza meet my gorgeous wife Ashley..." he gave Ashley a soft kiss on the cheek and Ashley's cheeks reddened. "Honey, meet our old friend Eliza. We used to go to college together. Bella, Eliza, and I took the same major at Cambridge university."

Eliza bowed respectfully to Ashley. "It's my pleasure to finally meet you in person my Queen."

"The pleasure is all mine." Ashley let out a light laugh getting rid of her jealousy a little bit. "And please don't bow or call me Queen. After all, you are Dylan's and Bella's friend so you are mine as well."

"God! She is really perfect and well mannered." Eliza wiped a fake tear. "You don't deserve that bubbly arse dear."

Dylan rolled his eyes. "Don't mind her baby, she has always been a drama queen."

"Oh hush child! Don't ruin my moment."

"Stop that dramatic seen Liz and tell them your big news." Bella huffed.

"Oh right right!" Eliza started jumping again with her lovely wide smile on display. "I am getting married."

"Shut up!" Dylan's eyes widened. "You aren't joking? You? You getting married?"

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