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I don't own PJO, HoO, or YJ

I always thought we'd last. I'd always thought I'd never lose them. I never thought I'd lose my best friend. I never thought I'd lose my cousins. I thought that life wasn't cruel enough to do this. Looks like I'm wrong.

The battle was won but at a high price. A price so high, I couldn't imagine it going into the fight. The battle had been dangerous, but at least we had been winning. We had been winning, but it didn't last for the duration of the battle.

One by one my friends fell.

Travis and Connor. The biggest pranksters this camp had ever seen. I remembered all the times they'd been chased by other campers. How they'd run all over the camp. Then I thought back to the battle. How the monsters were overwhelming, and how they struggled to live. I never doubted their abilities to fight off the monsters, but there were just too many of them. I replayed the scene in my mind. How the hellhound had pounced onto Connor. How its claws broke through his body. Then how it had been slain Travis. I had never seen Travis in such rage, he'd always seemed like an easy going guy. Then Travis made his fatal mistake. He took a slight moment to let tears slip, to mourn his deceased brother. A cyclops made her way up to him, silently. She took her sword and thrust it into Travis' chest. A fatal blow. He fell to the ground, knowing that he wouldn't have to suffer life without his brother, for they would be reunited sooner than he thought.

Then after several other demigods, Nico fell. Her dear cousin, her favorite son of Hades. He'd been transporting the younger campers, the untrained, out of the battle. He transported as many as he could, but his powers weren't endless. Nico's fatal mistake was different from Travis'. Nico didn't take a single break, not a single moment to catch his breath. He overused his powers. He fell on the battlefield, but not at the hands of a monster. He died trying to save others who couldn't help themselves.

Then Reyna, she fell at the clutches of a monster. A monster that Percy had never seen. Its dark shape showed of its many tentacles and its sharp teeth. It's dark, slimy tentacles had made their way around Reyna's neck. Preventing her from breathing, when her soul had left to the underworld, preferably Elysium, the monster released its grip and let her fall to the ground.

Frank came next. Flames licked the battlefields, as many fire-using things, monsters and demigod, were occupied in the battle. The piece of wood caught aflame. No matter how much water Percy doused it in, it refused to extinguish. When last of the piece of wood burned up, Frank fell. Percy felt the burden of his death on her shoulders, she couldn't even extinguish a simple fire on a piece of wood. She had water powers, but what was she worth if she couldn't even use them to save a friend.

Then Thalia fell, the monsters were instantly drawn to her since her scent was so strong. She fought off as many as she could, but a bow isn't the best close range weapon. It's not that she didn't have any other weapons, it took time to get them, and she didn't have that time. Finally, the monsters were just too much, and... she perished.

Jason fell with Piper at his side. They were fighting together, protecting each other. They were doing perfectly fine, their fighting was like a dance, a deadly dance. Golden powder flew around them, only adding to dance. They were both alive and well, as well you could be in their situation until an empousa killed Piper. Her death had been quick, Jason had been occupied fighting off monsters and he hadn't noticed the disappearance of his partner until he heard something hard hit the ground. He turned around to see what had fallen to the ground, only to see Piper's unmoving body. Jason's knees buckled beneath him. His knees hit the ground, hard. He looked up to see who has killed Piper. He spotted the empousa, before he could get up and kill the monster, said monster flew at him. When the empousa was through with him, he lay motionless beside Piper.

Then Hazels doom came over her. She'd been doing excellently fighting off the monsters. Sadly, Gaea noticed the rain of golden powder around her and decided to put an end to her. The earth slowly started to engulf her. First to the ankles, Hazel tried to get out to no avail. Then it slowly rose to her knees, then to her waist, then to her armpits. It continued to rise til her head went under. When she went under we knew there was no way to save her, my rage towards Dirt Face only grew.

Annabeth had been slaying monsters like no one else. Very few could match her ability as she made her way through the waves of monsters. Her dagger cut through the monsters as they turned into golden dust, blowing away in the wind. Gaea noticed how Annabeth was decimating her monster army and a snake of dirt made its way up from the ground. It bit Annabeths ankle, paralyzing her. Then it returned to the ground. Unable to defend herself, Annabeth was... defenseless. The monsters attacked her and she didn't last very long.

Then Leo made the ultimate decision. He knew what he needed to do, fly straight at Gaea and end her. When he was flying a small vial fell from the metal dragon. The vial hit the ground, shattering. The liquid that the vial held soaked into the ground. Leo hadn't noticed that the very thing that would save his life had slipped from his grasp. Leo flew straight into Gaea, and a big explosion ensued. There was no way Leo survived that, Percy thought.

Luckily Gaea had been brought down, and the only thing remaining from the battle was the monsters. Percy attacked them in fury, her sword, Riptide, slashed through the monsters. Golden dust flew around her. When Percy was finished the battleground was covered in golden powder, and so was she.

Percy's knees buckled under her, and she fell to the ground on her knees. She looked over the battlefield, she saw all the deceased, and how the survivors were helping each other. Bringing the injured to the infirmary. Percy cried, she cried her heart out. Sobs racked her body and tears streamed down her face.

When she finally got up from her position she walked over to Cabin 3. She decided to pack her bags, she didn't want to stay at Camp anymore. The memories were just too painful, she didn't want the memories and all the pain haunting her. Even though it would still haunt her in the mortal world, she knew it would be worse if she stayed at Camp.

Percy grabbed her bags and made her way towards to woods, passing the camp border into the mortal world, outside of safety.

I Thought It Was Over (Fem!Percy x YJ)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon