\ Y/N \


"That's me!" Jungkook says with a Mickey Mouse voice.

Kookie and I sang while waiting for Jimin at the same spot of the cafeteria. We laugh as we receive curious gazes of what-the-hell-are-these-two-doing from the other students.

"Hello, Y/N"

I stopped after hearing the most angelic voice in this universe. The voice I've been waiting to hear.

"Hey, Jimin!" I greeted him cheerfully.

"That's hyung for you, baby girl." A boy behind him suddenly sprouts while grinning.

"No, no. It's okay. Don't mind him, Y/N, you can just call me by my name if you're more comfortable with that." Jimin chuckles and swear that was the cutest thing I've ever heard. "This is Taehyung, by the way. He's my friend since junior high school." He continues.

"Hello, Y/N! I've heard about you. Nice to meet you." He smiles, then offers me a handshake.

Heard about mE? I squealed mentally as my brain was entertained by the thought of Jimin talking about me, Okay Y/N, okay. Shush. Enough with your daydreams.

"Nice to meet you too! This is Jungkook." I grabbed Kookie's arm and held him close to me while smiling at Taehyung. "He's my bestfriend."

"Oh, nice to meet you, bestfriend." Tae smirked, and offered Jungkook a bro-type of handshake. The kind of gesture that boys usually do when greeting each other.

"Nice to meet you too, kid." Jungkook accepted the handshake and smirked as well.

I don't get what's happening, honestly. Jungkook is behaving differently around Taehyung. I've never seen him this... pissed? Well, Is he? If he is, then why?

"Hey hey, I'm the same age as Jimin here. Watch your honorifics." Taehyung said but chuckles afterwards, making the already tensed atmosphere less tensed.

"Tae's going to be with us while I tour you around." Jimin interfered, which broke the electrifying stare that Taehyung and Jungkook was sharing. "So, shall we?" Jimin looked at me with a smile. I wish he'd stop doing that, his face literally can do wonders to my emotions.

I looked at Jungkook who is now looking away and staring blankly at nothing. What is he so upset about?

"Uhm, yeah, sure! Let's get going!" I initiated. "Please kindly show us the way." I haven't untangled my arms around Jungkook's yet as we started heading out from the cafeteria. This kind of cling is normal to me and him, though.

"It's Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin."

"There's never a day that they weren't this handsome."

"Oh my gosh! There's a new guy behind them, isn't he cute too?!"

"Omo you're right! It looks like he already has a girlfriend, though."

"Oh c'mon, do you think someone as handsome as him will stick with that girl for so long? They'd have a break-up soon, let's just wait."

Giggles and whispers can be heard as we passed by the group of girls who was gossiping about us. The idea of me being Jungkook's girlfriend didn't bother me that much. I get that a lot because we're so close and always together.

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