As you finish dressing yourself up for school, you faced the mirror to check if your appearance looks normal enough. And as expected, insecurities once again flooded you. You stared at your chubby cheeks and hoped for cheekbones with a well-defined chin. You also looked at your not-so-pointed nose and wished they were smaller, maybe longer, and of course, cuter. You observed your lips next, which made you frown, for you noticed that it seemed to get thicker as years went by. And finally, you looked at your body and concluded that you're not "sexy" enough for your height. You sigh in frustration and stopped looking at the mirror. Whatever, you thought.

You combed your hair, fixed your bag, then went out of your room. Oh wait, I forgot to put on lotion. You thought of going back to your dresser to get it, but realized that it's a hassle to put on cream on your body when you're already wearing your uniform. *Sigh* it's a nuisance to be a girl. You grabbed your alcohol (not the beverage one) and lip-tint then placed them inside the pocket of your backpack. You were the type of girl who didn't bring a pouch filled with make-up, neither a girl who sprays high-class perfumes, you were the type of girl who prefers and enjoys the smell of fabcon that lingers through her uniform. This was your kind of fragrance.

"Are you ready?" Jungkook asked as you close the door of your room. He was half-done preparing for school.

"Yes", you answered and saw him facing the mirror that was attached on the wall of the house's living room.

"C'mon, we need to rush, it's our first day of school so we can't afford to be late", he uttered while buttoning up his uniform and fixing his hair.

"Look who's talking. I'm all done and prepared already. It's you who's taking so long." You whined. "You don't have to fix your hair or style it. It already looks good as it is."

He gave you a long glance, doubt evident in his face. He's pouting as he stares back at the mirror. "Are you sure?" He asked, facing you once again.

You gave him a reassuring smile, "Yes, now let's hurry. We only have 1 hour left to walk to school and we still have to eat breakfast before class starts."

He then stopped fixing his hair and walked towards you. He gave you a peck on your right temple, "You sure you can handle school now?"

You gave him a soft punch in the chest, giggling. "Of course, I can! Stop worrying, Kookie. I already told you that I don't let my dreams bother me too much like how I used to before." You averted your eyes, hiding your startled look from what he did.

Jungkook faced you with a soft, concerned expression. "If you say so." He smiled and took your bag as the both of you left the house.

— cafeteria

"I want pancakes and hot chocolate. What about you, what would you want for breakfast?"

Jungkook looked at the menu, searching for something to eat. He followed me from behind as we stood after a student who was next in line to order.

"Hmmmm." You felt Jungkook's jaw touch your left shoulder, his breath passing by the side of your cheek.

"Y/N" he whispered.

"Hm? You're heavy." You say, also leaning your head against his'.

"I want you for breakfast." His response surprised you, making your cheeks and ears blush. This idiot! The girl in front of us might have heard!

"Yah! I won't pay for your meal!" You push his head away from you as he claps his hands while laughing so hard. Teasing you amused him so much, and seeing you blush made him want to do it more often.

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