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Luke:"But, babe," Luke pouted like a child. "No 'but's Luke. There's no way I'm using that costume in public", you pointed to the computer screen, on which there was a picture of the kitten costume Luke wanted you to wear the the boys Halloween party, "Where did you even find this?! It looks like something that came off from a porn movie." "I was just googling and I cam across it", he sighed. "Yeah, sure", you giggled, pecking his cheek. "Please?", he tried again, looking at you with those irresistible blue eyes. "I'm sorry, Luke. But I'm not wearing that in front of everyone", you played with his hair, "Maybe when we're alone..." "Really?!", he stood up excitedly, like a little kid on Christmas day. "Maybe, yeah", you laughed and he took the computer away from you, purchasing the costume.

Ashton:"But, (Y/N)" Ashton whined, "I'm hungry." "Make yourself a sandwich," you sighed, too focused on your reading. "But it doesn't tastes as good as when you make it", he pouted. "That's a shame now, isn't it, Ashton?", you giggled. "I cannot believe you're going to let me starve!", he exclaimed. "Stop being a drama queen, Ashton," you laughed, "I just don't want to make you a sandwich right now." "You're the worst girlfriend ever!", Ashton child likely said. "Oh, really? You didn't seem to think that last night," you spat at him. "You know what? I just thought of something that always tastes really good when I'm eating it," he smirked, grabbing your feet and pulling you closer to him. "Ash," you giggled, wrestling to get out of his grip. "Nah-ah", he said, "I'm starving and you know just what I like to eat," he regained controls on your legs and pulled you closer and closer to him.

Michael:"But," Michael started. "No, Michael, we're not getting a puppy." "But, (Y/N), look at those eyes! We can't just leave it here! It's already attached to us", he argued. You knew coming to this adoption thing Michael had insisted was a stupid idea, but you came anyways. "Michael, we won't be able to take care of it." "We'll learn how to!", he said, picking it up, "It'd be just like practicing for a baby eventually." "You're not actually comparing that puppy to a baby, are you?", you said sternly. "C'mon, (Y/N). Please? I just want to be with a family that treats me well and loves me," he put the puppy in front of his face, mocking a possible voice for it. "Oh, God, Michael stop it," you giggled. "Who's Michael?", he continued, "I'm betting he's a hot boyfriend you might have. And I bet he'd love to take me home. Please, (Y/N), don't leave me here alone." "Oh, God, fine Michael", you rolled your eyes, taking the puppy in your arms, "We're taking you home, okay?", you told it in a high pitched voice.

Calum:"But... But," Calum tried to get out. "No 'but's, Calum, you lost the game," you smirked. It was actually Calum's idea that you should play 'too hot', and you were a little unsure at first. But, you figure that, even if you lost, you'd end up winning. "How did I lose it?!", Calum muttered to himself. "It was on the moment I bit your lip and you grabbed my bum, if you're wondering," you teased him. "Well, I guess I'm your slave now," he bit his lip, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing your chest to his. "That sounds nice," you giggled, playing with his hair, "I have to thing what I'm going to do with you now." "I can help you come up with a few ideas," he purred, running his nose along your jaw line. "Yeah? I'd like that, please," you bit your lip to repress a smile. "Let's begin, then," he smirked, pressing your lips together.

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