Ch12:The Battle of Trost pt 2

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A/N:Hey everybody, Merry Late Christmas and Happy Holidays. I'm so sorry that I didn't update this for a while but don't worry, This is my gift to you guys this chapter and the next version of the opening. This next gift is my next chapter will be on New Years Eve or day.

Now then on with the chapter...

Meanwhile up in the aerial battlefield a Charon-class frigate, UNSC Tiger was lowering down the altitude taking out covenant fighters while trying to find the covenant ship that was sending their forces out. But no luck has approved.

In the bridge, every member are either giving commands to the lower decks and heading to their stations, While others trying to find the Covenant ship. The captain of this ship, sitting in her seat. She's in her thirties, brown hair. Green eyes. Wearing a Captains uniform with a few bronze stars medals.

"Alright Matilda Status report." She said as a holographic figure appeared on the table, it was a woman who's outfit is WW2 British nurse uniform.

"We've took a hard beating Ma'am. They destroyed lower deck 31 and 54. One of them nearly shot our life support system. Most of our guns are out of commissioned." The AI reported the status on the ship.

"Come on people let's hurry. We have to find that ship and fast. If we don't, our boys down below will be outnumbered and our native allies will be taking that price to their graves." She commanded to all of them in her country accent.

"Yes Ma'am!" They all shouted.

"Incoming!" A sailor said seeing a Banshee heading towards them crashing near them, shaking the bridge. After that the door behind the captain opened as a figure came in looking out there. The figure is wearing an all black outfit, as his coat was all black and clothes even his shoes. On his back has two swords. One is a light blue or a sea blue color, the other is all black blade and hilt.

"I see you guys are handling yourselves just fine." The figure said sounding like a boy.

"C-Commander. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Oh I just came by too see how you guys are handling you guys are just fine." The figure said.

"Don't worry sir. We're doing everything we can to find that Covenant ship." She informed him of the situation.

"Oh it's fine Im also here to tell you that I'm heading down there." He said ready to leave. He stopped for a moment and started looking in a weapons crate that somehow ended up on the bridge instead of the Armory.

"What? But sir, the skies are too hostile to fly in especially with many covenant fighters everywhere. You won't be able to make it if you crash outside those walls. And we can't give you cover fire if they come after you." She explained about their situation.

"Not to worry I'll have my best pilots, fly a pelican, and have a few escorts with me." He replied to her. He took out a M6H2 Magnum out of the crate and putted in his hilt.

"Are you sure sir, can you handle those humanoid creatures or the other monsters if you crash?" She asked in concern.

The Commander looked at her and smiled. He then took out one his swords on his back. The one he took out was a black sword as well.

"You see this sword. This and the other are all I need. Those creature's won't stop me for helping my friends." He said leaving the bridge, till he stopped at the door, and spoke.
"Besides they don't call me the Black Swordsman for nothing."

With that he left the bridge. A few minutes later he reached the closest hanger and walking towards the pelican. The soldier that was there stood up and saluted him.

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