"When I'm bigger I'll have to go see them!" Night puffed out his chest. "But for now I don't think I'll be wandering any farther than Juniper's yard.

"If you need anyone to show you around just let me know." Garnet offered. "I know this town better than any cat around, except maybe Harvey but he's too old to be travelling around."

"Thanks." Night purred. "I'd love that."

Garnet looked up at the sky, the storm clouds were inching in closer and closer by the second. She let out a small sigh. "Well, I should get home. I don't want to get caught in this storm."

"It was nice to meet you, Garnet." Night said cheerfully.

"You as well, Night." Garnet stood up and looked around. "I'll see you around, Juniper." Garnet jumped up onto Juniper's fence and began walking along it to head home. As she walked she heard heavy pawsteps running from the other side. She realized with alarm that she was near the dog's fence.

The large black and brown dog slammed up against the fence. Garnet lost her balance and her paws slipped off the fence, she unsheated her claws and dug them into the fence. She hung off the side, dangling just above the dog's hungry teeth. Her stomach did flips as she tried to pull herself up.

The dog barked loudly, jumping around and slamming its body against the fence. Garnet's claws couldn't hold her much longer and with another slam from the dog her claws were ripped from the wood and she fell into the yard, landing painfully on her back. Garnet didn't have much time to act, she jumped to her paws and sprinted away from the dog, but it was hot on her heels.

She looked around for a tree but couldn't find any of them. She heard a creak and glanced towards the front of the yard where the dog's housefolk were walking in through their gate. Picking up her pace, Garnet ran towards them. She swerved between their legs and out of the yard. She thought she was home free but the dog shoved past it's housefolk and continued its chase of Garnet.

The housefolk called for the dog but it didn't react and it definitely didn't stop. Garnet ran as fast as she could but the dog was also incredibly fast. She could hear it's pawsteps and barking.

As Garnet ran she could see a road in the distance with the cars approaching fast. I can't stop! Garnet pushed herself to run faster, her paws hit the hot, rough stone and she began darting across the road. A car approached quickly, coming directly at Garnet. She let out a cry and skidded to a stop, feeling the flesh on her paw pads get shredded. The car screeched to a stop and Garnet flattened her ears.

She glanced over her shoulder and saw the dog running for her, letting out a hiss, Garnet continued running, making it to the other side of the road. She reached a strange section of ground made from wood, she didn't have time to guess what it was, she just ran towards it.

As Garnet's paws touched the wood, it broke out from under her weight and she tumbled downwards. Garnet cried out as she fell, she struggled to land on her feet as her paws hit semi-deep water. Pain shot through her paws and Garnet fell to her side, making a splash of dirty water.

The water was slimy and smelled horrid. She wrinkled her nose and stood up, looking towards the hole, the dog poked its head down and barked loudly. Garnet flattened herself to the ground, the water going up to her shoulders, but the dog didn't look like it would follow Garnet down here.

After a few moments, the dog turned away and left Garnet alone. For a split second, Garnet was relieved but she soon realized that she still had a mountain of problems to deal with. She was stuck in a disgusting hole with no idea of how to get out. Her ears twitched as she heard a low rumble of thunder overhead. With a heavy sigh, Garnet looked around. She could see a tunnel that lead away from where she had been running.

She didn't want to walk away from her home, but she didn't have much choice. Swallowing her fears, Garnet followed the tunnel, walking through the mucky water. She had to find a decent way to wash herself before returning home, her housefolk would think she was some disgusting wild cat.

Garnet walked for a long time, she wished she could see the sun instead of being trapped in a small, disgusting tunnel. Her stomach was starting to growl, she hadn't eaten since this morning and it had been nearly sunhigh when she reached Night and Juniper, she had no idea what time it was now.

After what seemed like years of walking, Garnet could smell rain. She picked up her pace until she was nearly running and found the end of the tunnel. She climbed out of the disgusting place and looked around. Her heart dropped when she realized she had no idea where she was. Garnet flattened her ears, it was already nighttime and pouring rain. Garnet quickly ducked back in the tunnels, she wouldn't be getting home tonight.

Garnet curled up on a flat piece of rock, tucking her nose under her tail. She smelled horrible, she was cold and lonely. She closed her eyes, trying to focus on getting home, she would be back in her warm house tomorrow night with her housefolk and her soft blankets. I just have to hold on for tonight...

A New Horizon Book 3: A Frozen Heart {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now