"Shut the fuck up." I groan.

"Nah, I'm good." Jax throws his head back and laughs loudly, clearly amusing himself.

"Never tell Mylie about this, or I'll kill you." I threaten, trying to look scary but I probably end up looking like a wrinkly old lady, Jax starts laughing harder, smacking his knee.

"You're funny." Jax smiles up at me, making me blush slightly, but I turn before he notices.

"Fuck you." I grunt and turn my back to him.

"Mmm, please..." I can practically feel Jax smirking at my back, eyeing me up and down as I walk away back to Mylie's room without another word, that was one of the craziest things that has happened to me, but damn it was hot.

When I walk into My's room she's awake and sitting at her vanity, fixing her outfit and brushing her hair again, her little nap making it knotty again, I bite my lip as I step behind her in the mirror, smiling softly at her through the mirror and running my fingers down her soft thick hair.

"You okay?" Mylie asks, looking back at me through the mirror, one eyebrow raised.

"Yea, I'm fine why?" I shrug and fake a smile.

"I don't know, you seem a little quiet I guess," Mylie explains softly, she's right, I'm usually the loud embarrassing bestie.

"I'm fine honestly." I lie.

"Alright, what do you wanna do today?" Mylie asks, smiling brightly as she turns in her vanity to look at me directly, I can't help but genuinely smile back at her, I pinch one of her cheeks playfully.

"Double date." I smirk and watch as her face falters and she drops the smile.

"God dammit, seriously?" She asks, her eyebrows raising.

"Yes, I'll text Dean to meet us at The Legacy, you do the same with Zach." I smile and sit back on My's bed, she sighs and groans dramatically, but pulls out her phone anyway.

"Fine.." She pouts as she opens her phone and texts Zach, I assume.

"Deanie poooo, wanna go to lunch with me, Mylie and her bf? :)" I text Dean, smiling at my phone seeing him immediately read the message and start typing.

"Um, of course babe, I'll be there in 20 minutes. :p" Dean texts back, I swoon slightly and sigh happily, but then I frown remembering what happened a few minutes ago downstairs. I sigh sadly, me and Dean weren't exclusive or official yet, but I really like him, Jax was just a poor sense of judgment, it won't happen again so no one needs to know, right? Mylie turns around in her chair and looks at me.

"Whats wrong, for real." Mylie stares me in the eyes sternly.

"Nothing, I have to clean the backyard and do dishes when I get back home." I lie, again.

"Oh, well I can help if ya want." She smiles sweetly at me, I fake a smile back at her.

"Nah I'll be alright, thanks though." I hop off My's bed and slip on a pair of her chunky black Fila sneakers, and she does the same but with her white ones. We jog downstairs one by one and I stop suddenly and lock eyes with Jax, watching the corner of his lip slowly creep up into a smirk as he looks at me like he did earlier.

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