It was silent for a while then, everyone just quietly waited until they were in front of the orphanage, they knew the plan, and A1 and A2 quietly moved through the front while A3 went out back. Niall and Louis and their troops had joined them by then as well.

It was already night time, and they could see around 30 men moving outside, and when they noticed the troops they began to shoot. They were no match for Arthur's men, Katerina took down 10 with a round, and no faculties happened until they ran inside and were greeted by around 400 more.

"Damien lied! He said only about a hundred men would be in the facility!" Katerina hissed through the chaos while she shot men through men.

Before Harry could reply another enemy approached her and tried to kick her in the face, but before he could she shot his leg, grabbed it, and swiftly spun him around and shot him in the face. By the time she had finished him she frantically looked up to find Harry. She noticed Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Niall were still fighting but she couldn't see him anywhere.

She took a nervous breath and moved quickly, shooting any enemy in her path and then the man in front of Niall, "Where's Harry?" She yelled through the chaos, looking behind her and shooting the man approaching them.

"He went ahead, look out!" He said, sending a shot to the man behind Kat.

"That's not part of the plan! I-" Someone came at her, hitting her in the head but he was shot by Zayn before she could end him.

"I need to find him." She grunted, he definitely caused a concussion but that didn't matter, she ran forward and Niall ran after her.

Harry made his way upstairs like they had planned, killing as many men as possible before he reached the floor he knew Damien was in, and when he got in he was greeted by a bunch of guns pointed at him, including Damien's.

"Don't shoot!" Damien hissed, before a sinister smile found its way to his face. "He's mine." And then he lunged forward with a knife, pointing at Harry who moved quickly to hit him in the head. He couldn't shoot him, it was part of the plan, but he could at least hurt him while he was at it.

He grabbed his knife from his belt pack, the only weapon he had left and slashed Damien in the left cheek, to which Damien responded with a snarl, and a swipe of his foot into Harry's jaw, surely breaking a few teeth.

Meanwhile Katerina shot and slashed all the men in her way. She had never fought this hard before, this was serious now, she had this feeling that if she separated herself from Harry something would go wrong, and now they were apart. He was a couple of floors up from her and she knew she needed to get there quick.

Niall and Zayn kept on her tail, not that she was looking behind, she moved like a ghost through the stairs, and although her heartbeat rang wildly in her ears she could hear everything. Every step, every shot sent at her. It was as if her body knew Harry was in danger and she had to help him. When she finally made it to them she had to stop for a second at the horrific sight in front of her.

There was the war Felicity wanted, blood on the walls, men shooting and slashing each other without probably even knowing what team they belonged to. And they all turned to look at her.

That's when it happened. The chance Damien had been waiting for.

When Harry turned to look at the door, at the woman who had stolen his life, heart, and soul he felt it. To him time had sped up.

To her it had slowed down.

Zayn and Niall launched forward toward them, but Katerina felt the ringing in her ear stop. She couldn't hear anything anymore. Not even her own screams as she witnessed Damien grab Harry's wrist, the one who held the knife Harry was surely about to use to protect himself and jam it inside Harry's neck.

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