[8] - 𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙'𝙨 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮

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"Well done my fellow friend..." Jaebum compliments Jinyoung as he watches him lay an unconscious Janice onto the bed.

Jinyoung grinned feeling proud that his hyung was proud of him. He always felt like that. Ever since he met JB at college, the two were always together. He was his best friend, getting rewarded by him was very important to Jinyoung. He valued it every time. Jaebum sits on the edge of the bed next to Janice, caressing her hair with a dark smirk on his face.

"That took you longer than expected to calm her down in the car." He tells him.

"She wouldn't give in as easily as the others. You're right about her...she's different. Much stronger."

"Yes, yes. I know."

Jaebum looks back at Janice, smirking again as he starts to slide her clothes off of her body.

"Hyung, what's this?" Jinyoung asks him, picking up a white mini dress from off the end of the bed.

"A dress obviously, idiot..."

"Aish! I know that! But why?"

Jaebum slides her clothes off her body and tosses it to the side of the bed.

"For our guest to wear. Isn't it beautiful?"

Jinyoung grins and nods, seeing what he meant.

"Oh, hand me the dress." Jaebum calls and Jinyoung passes it to him.

Jaebum slides it on her naked body and bites his lip as he zips it up in the back, rolling her back over to lay her on her back, "Time to wake her up."

"Why? She's out cold! She'd never know-"

Jaebum grabs Jinyoung's shoulders, "NO. I want her awake. I want to hear her pleads for help, drip down her lips!!"

The fire in his eyes ignited, for he was a different kind of insane. All of this was a drug to him, and he was addicted as hell. He needed it to live, to survive, to feel alive. He needed to see the pain and false pleasure from women. Jaebum's heart pounded in his chest, excited to get started. Jinyoung smirked and nodded, seeing him riled up again. He removed his hands off of him then went over to Janice.



Janice winced as Jinyoung threatened to smack her face again. Her sobs were silenced, she was terrified. She couldn't move, her ankles were chained to the end of the bed, and her arms were chained above her head. They put her in some short white silky dress. All this for what? Pleasure? Her mother warned her about tonight. About JB and Junior. Why didn't she listen? She was normally better than that. Now she understood why they got admitted into some mental institution.

They're psychopaths. Absolute psychopaths. They had beaten her up multiple times already as soon as she tried to talk back when she woke up. Their laughter was mocking, they enjoyed it so much. She turns her head and closes her eyes tight as Jaebum lowers his face next to hers, his hot breath breathing down her neck. She felt his hand snake around her chin, turning her back towards him.

"Are you listening? " He asks her.

Janice quickly nods her head, closing her eyes tighter.

"Good girl."

His voice was like venom as it trickled from his voice.

"Listen. Here's how our fun little night together is going to work! As you know...we normally like to 'rape' as people call it, then we 'murder' females as people also like to call it. This time...for you my dear, on this wonderful Halloween evening...hahaha Jinyoung! Why don't you finish it."

Jinyoung darkly grins and sits down on the other side of Janice on the bed, "We're going to hurt you in more sickening ways, then we're going to fuck you till you die...HAHAHAHHAHA!"

The two just have another insane laughing fit which creeped Janice out, sending shivers down her spine. Once they stopped, She felt the chains come off her, freeing her wrists from the tight pain. She slowly opens her eyes to see them unlocking each chain off of her ankles and wrist. Why were they setting her free?

She sits up in bed, rubbing her aching wrists from being chained up.

"But of course, since we're doing this differently, we'll play a little game!" Jinyoung says tossing the chains to the side.

"The game is simple, Janice. We'll count down from 10. If you escape this house before we reach zero, then we won't bother finding you, you're free to go! If you don't manage to escape...then you'll get your nights punishments..." Jaebum explained darkly.

"Got it?" They both ask and she quickly nods her head.

They chuckle sickly then cover their eyes with their hands like they were playing hide and seek with a little child, the reward not being candy.


Janice bolted out of the bedroom.


She trips over her own bare feet realizing how weak she was already from being beaten up.


Janice runs down the steps, tripping again and landing on the bottom step.


She runs to the door.


She cusses as the door won't budge.


She keeps trying but it's locked, and her body still ached.


She spots a window and runs to it.


The window was closed tight too, it wouldn't open.


Maybe if she hid somewhere, for the whole night, she could plan escape routes.


Janice spots the closet and quickly opens it, closing the door behind her.


Janice slides her back against the wall of the closet and sits on the floor, burying her face in her knees. She tried to calm down her breathing, not wanting them to hear her exhaustion. She hears footsteps coming down the stairs and Janice's heart races fast in her chest. The footsteps were in the living room area. As long as they didn't check the closet, her chances of surviving were at a high, but still very critical.

Janice starts crying again, wondering if this was really it. If she would ever see her friends again. See her mother. Graduate with a degree in engineering. She bites her lip and holds her breath, her body tenses up. Janice heard two footsteps walk by the closet door. They stopped by the door and she says her final prayers in her head. Then, the footsteps walk away and get farther and farther. Janice sighs with relief.




Her heartbeat was racing like crazy as she kept anticipating their footsteps.

Suddenly the closet door flung open receiving a blood-curdling scream from Janice. Jaebum and Jinyoung stood by the door with sickly grins on their faces. The sharp silver blade of Jaebum's knife in his hand, shined in her face, reflecting the moon's light from the window nearby.

"Surprise Janice!!" He says.




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