[𝟯] - 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙐𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙀𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧

415 21 8

The cold October air blows past Janice, eyes glued to her phone screen as she tries to look for a new song to play in her playlist while walking home against the setting sun in the cloudy sky. She didn't look where she was going much since she had all the ways home nailed to her brain. She sighs as she scrolled through her songs, having to blame her friend Yugyeom for introducing Kpop to the group since he transferred from South Korea.

She had to admit, her music genre likes were indeed expanding. While walking she bumps into two figures and drops her phone to the sidewalk's hard ground.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!!" She says and pulls out her black earbuds that were once resting in her ears.

"No, it's our fault!" One of them said.

The other one bent down and reached for her phone, standing back up and giving it to her. She looked at his face, soft features, Asian looking, probably Korean like Yugyeom, hair styled up but relaxed, wearing simple clothes that seemed comfortable. He had adorable wrinkles by his dark brown eyes when he smiled with his lips. 

The other one looked also Korean but he looked more serious than the other one. Facial features were hardened but not harsh. The two tiny moles symmetrically next to each other above his right dark brown eye seemed to be the only thing on his face that seemed less intimidating. Hair styled up as well, colored black like the other guy. His style made him seem more intimidating especially in his leather jacket and black jeans.

But there was something about both of them that Janice couldn't figure out exactly. They both looked familiar to her...but she couldn't remember at the moment where she has seen them before. Regardless, Janice takes her phone from the polite guy and thanks him.

"Hey...have we all met before? Somewhere? I don't know, you guys look familiar."

They look between each other, like giving each other signals as if they could read each other's minds.

"Nope." One says.

"You must be mistaken..." the other says.

Janice smiles embarrassingly, "Oh, I'm sorry. You guys probably look alike to others I'm thinking of."

"It's quite alright!" The polite one beamed.

"Do you guys live around here?"

"Yes. A block down there." The leather jacket one says, pointing behind her. 

"Oh cool! You guys go to the college up the street back that way right?"

The nice one whispers something into the slightly taller one's ear and they chuckle over something before facing Janice again.

"Oh! Yeah, we do."

"Oh! I'm sorry, I never asked for you guys' names! I'm Janice by the way." She says with a smile and shakes their hands. Their hands were as cold as ice that came in contact with her warm ones.

"We're not important..." the leather jacket one says.

"Aw c' mon unfair! I told you my name."

The polite one sighs and gives her a smile, "I'm Jinyoung Park and this is my very close friend, Jaebeom Im."

Janice thinks for a moment on the names trying to remember if she's ever heard of them before, but nothing pops up.

"Cool! You guys going to the Halloween party later? Everyone's gonna be there!"

At first, they give confused expressions but then instantly pretended that they understood what she meant.

"Totally! At the campus right?" Jinyoung says and she nods.

"Starts at 7:50 PM and ends around 10! But ya know with those two psychos walking around, they probably changed the times so we go home earlier, so maybe around 6:50 now."

"Ah, okay...so, do you need an escort there?" Jaebum asks her, his smile turning into a mischievous smirk.

Janice shakes her head, "Oh no it's alright, I can just walk."

"C' mon all by yourself? Out here in the dark? Not safe." Jinyoung joins in, smirk also creeping on his face.

Jaebum gives a nod to Jinyoung and Jinyoung steps close to Janice.

"Janice...it's not safe out here! Especially today! A beautiful...young lady like you...when there's two dangerously-"

"Handsome!" Jaebum coughs and Jinyoung elbows him in the stomach to shut him up, receiving slight laughter from him.

"Insane men! You can't take chances, Janice. Walk with us...and we'll protect you." He finishes and smiles at her while rubbing her back, licking his lips every time his hand passed by her bra strap through her sweater.

"Haha no thanks, but thank you. I can just meet you guys there." 

The two look at each other and sigh before chuckling again, realizing how tough Janice was. Their other victims would've agreed immediately.

"Alright, don't say we didn't offer you though!" Jinyoung says letting go of her.

Jaebeom rests his arm on Jinyoung's shoulder, "We'll see you there then."

"Yup! Later you two!" Janice says goodbye and walks off.

Jinyoung and Jaebum watch her as she walks away from them, getting smaller to their eyes as the distance between them and her get wider.

"Janice, she's different..." Jaebum says folding his arms and smirking.

"Oh yes, I suggest we...keep an eye on her at the party," Jinyoung says before laughing.

Then the two of them are both laughing, like the mentally insane criminals they are.

mad men;  (jjp dark ff)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن