Great Potential

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This chapter is short eh


Yuyan's POV

"Why so scared Princess Yuyan?" a snake like voice said.

"Wh-who are y-you? How do you know me?!" my voice was shaking as I shouted.

"That shouldn't be any of your concern for now young Hane."

"Answer me!" I had nothing to defend myself but tijutsu, but I doubt that would be any good I was still shaking. Ninjutsu was out of the question, I'd end up damaging buildings.

He gave out a cold, bitter laugh, "There's no one to help you here right now, what will you do?"

I had no time to be scared, not now. I stood my ground, "I'm not scared of you, if you know who I am then you should watch yourself!"

"What confidence for a child you have, but you cannot defeat me."

"Show yourself!"

A tall slender man stepped out of the shadows. He was awfully white, and looked like a snake, guess that explains his voice. He had waist length black hair and purple markings around his eyes that make him look even more snake like.

"Snake man?"

"I am Orochimaru, I've been waiting to meet you Princess Yuyan."

"Well I don't know you you are, so leave me alone!"

"After I've come all this way just to have you, this is all I get? Not what I expected from the Hane Princess."

"I don't even know who you are! And do not call me that. How do you know who I am? Only my instructors, the Hokage, the elders, and the head of the Uchiha clan knows of my identity!"

"I have my ways princess."

"I said DO NOT call me princess!"

He suddenly disappeared behind me and hit me on the neck. I had no time to dodge he even had snake like movements!

I fell on the floor and tried to get up, but was kicked on my side.

"Someone hel-!" I tried to scream but I was kicked again. That one hurt more than the last how hard was this guy kicking me sheesh.

"Wh-what do you want?"

"Your potential."

"Tsk," I tried to get up, and was now on my knees supporting myself with my arms. He walked forward and grabbed my hair to pulled me up.

"Ugh!" I struggled to get out of his hold.

"Who knew the little Princess would be so stubborn."

"I'm not going anywhere with you! Let me go! Itachi, Kakashi, and Hisui will kill you when they find you!"

"That's if they find you." I froze when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. This Orochibaka guy was biting me!

I screamed in pain, I don't ever think I've felt a greater physical pain than this. My whole body burned and felt that every cell in my body was being destroyed. I saw some lights in buildings go on probably awakened by my shriek of pain. This could be my chance!


I was kicked for what felt like the 50th time. I was too weak to support myself anymore, that bite, what was it?

"You're coming with me Princess Yuyan."

>>>Time skip<<<

I woke up in a sort of dark room. I could make out a couple of shapes but my vision was blurry. My whole body was in pain and I was sweating a lot, it felt pretty nasty.

When I tried to move I realized I was tied up to an uncomfortable wooden post.

"So you've finally woken up princess?"

"Hey what's the big deal why am I here?!"

"Don't you remember, I went to Konoha especially to retrieve you."

"Why do you want me?"

"Like I said, I want your potential. You are a Hane, apart of the clan who are the masters of jutsus. With you I can complete my goal of mastering forbidden jutsu."

"I am not going to learn any forbidden jutsu, I refuse, take me home! I don't understand why you would bring me here I'm just a kid!"

"Says the girl who can preform jounin level ninjutsu."

"UGH how do you even know me?!"

"Don't worry, I have my connections."

"I'm not doing anything you say."

"I don't need your permission little princess

"Hey it's about time you start answering my questions, I think I deserve to know since you're apparently using me for one of your experiments."

His laugh send shivers down my spine, I don't think I've ever been more scared of anyone.

"I plan to make your body my own."

"Eww so you're one of those nasty perverts who's interested in kids. Disgusting!"

"That's not what I meant. As a Hane, you are unique. Your chakra is far more powerful than normal, and your ability to master jutsus is extraordinary. Therefore, when the time is right I will take over your body."

"No! My body is my own! I have things to do, people to be with, people to fight! I just can't let you do that that's not right!"

"It's far too late for that I require that great potential of yours and I will have it."

There was nothing for me to do anymore, I was tied up and even had chakra seals, I couldn't break free. What was I going to do? No one noticed I was kidnapped how would they find me?

Someone please help me.

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