Chapter 9

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Kai's POV

It was night time, I was in bed with Ruby with her arm wrapped around me. But I couldn't sleep at all.

Ruby: Kai are you up?

Kai: Yep, pretty much.

Ruby: You can't sleep can't you?

I went roll the other way around, looking at Ruby.

Ruby: Is it because of Kira?

Kai: Yeah.

Ruby: Then go talk to her.

Kai: How do you even know if she's awake?

Ruby: Well, experience from being with you. Being terrified looking at you when you heal yourself, and talking very dark.

Kai: Good point.

Ruby: *putting her hand on his cheeks* If you promise her brother to protect her, then go talk to her.

Kai: *sat up from bed and looked down to the floor* Ok, I'm gonna talk to her.

I went out the room, heading down stairs to the kitchen. As I walked down I see the kitchen light on, I looked it was Kira sitting the table, depress. I went walk to her.

Kai: Hey.

Kira: *slowly narrowed her eye at him* Hey.

Kai: Why aren't you asleep?

Kira: Couldn't.

Kai: *sigh*

Kira: What brings you here?

Kai: Well, to get a class of water, and talk to you.

Kira: About What?

Kai: You already know-Wait. *sniff* sniff* is that alcohol?

I looked at the kitchen counter seeing a glass bottle of alcohol, she drank half of it. I looked at Kira.

Kai: Kira were you drinking?

Kira: Yeah, So what you care?

Kai: Well the law Remnant, doesn't allow minor to drink.

Kira: What about you, you've been drinking in the Tower bar sense Emilia died.

Kai: Because I was lost, and the alcohol doesn't have effect on me.

Kira: Aren't you special.

By the way she talking, I know she was drunk already. I put the my hand my face and sighed.

Kai: Just great, then I thought dealing with you is annoying, but with you is gonna be a pain.

Kira: *drunk* Well deal with it.

Kai: I always deal with it, you got drunk in the Tower, when Connor died, and I been watching over ever sense. I always took you on patrol, missions and strike. But you always been acting like little spoil brat, and still you always hide your suffering behind drinks. Thinking that it can ease the pain, but it won't.

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