Chapter 3

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Jackson's POV

I was in my ship with Velvet, she's braiding Jade's hair. While Jade is playing a game on Velvet scroll.

Jackson: So Velvet. How was your training with Dwayne?

Velvet: You already know the answer.

Jackson: Yeah. I got the message when punch you me in the gut, when I came back from menagerie.

Jade: But Velvet got strong.

Jackson: Yeah, she became really strong.

Velvet: *blush* least I didn't get ripped body, that will be embarrassed.

Jackson: Well I'm heading to see Zavala, he wants to see me.

I went left the ship and went to see Zavala and Amanda

Jackson: Hey guys, you called?

Holiday: Hey there little Jack, just on right time.

Jackson: I see, new mission?

Zavala: Holliday has detected an unusual amount of electricity being re-directed into the Arcology

Holiday: Yep. Juice like that can only mean one thing: a network of CPU's - powerful ones. Maybe powerful enough to decrypt that Cabal signal we intercepted.

Zavala: Unfortunately we don't know where the network might be located.

Holliday: So you're gonna have to snoop around, not draw too much attention.

Zavala: Jackson, securing this asset could turn the tide of this "war" with the Red Legion. Without it... I don't know what comes next.

Jackson: *nod* I'm on it.

Time Skip

I went to the enter Solarium, and fought a small band of Fallen outside it which includes a Servitor. It was easy using my sunbracers and I went entered the Solarium proper.

Arcology Operating System: Welcome to New Pacific Arcology, the bright future of space colonisation in the shadow of Saturn.

Cortana: Sound's like the Arcology's operating is back online.

Holliday: I knew it! Keep an eye out for an OS access terminal. You can use it to pinpoint the CPU network.

Me and Cortana went ahead to find the CPU network. As we run we found the New Pacific Arcology OS access terminal. While we were in the Solarium, the Operating System will continue on the loudspeakers, saying:

Arcology Operating System: The New Pacific Academy is proud to offer degrees in Methane-Oceanography and Tidal Engineering

Arcology Operating System: Attention science lovers! The Collective's lecture on the terraforming of Io begins in five minutes in the Cassini Library.

Arcology Operating System: Thirty four percent of Titan's citizen's hope that the Traveler will terraform the ocean-moon soon.

Arcology Operating System: The Traveler's sudden departure from Io was a surprise to many. But experts insist should trust in the Traveler's choices.

Jackson: Io?

Arcology Operating System: Local officials will neither confirm nor deny the existence of any so-called deep-space-anomaly.

I found in the vicinity, Cortana went scan it.

Cortana: "Screen's dead, but the feed's still running. Ooh, kind of a catchy jingle. 'New Pacific Arcology! The next frontier is you.'"

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