Jackson Character short

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3rd Person POV

In the rainy storm on Titan, in the Solarium there explosions and Ogre roaring. As Jackson appears with Dawn Blade active and Dwayne next to him as crack his knuckle, then Ogre sees them.

Jackson: *voiceover* Hey what are the Ahamkaras?

A very young Jackson sits with his cross-legged in the ground, reading a book about the Ahamkara, Ikora standing next to him.

Ikora: The Ahamkara were said to be wish-fulfilling "dragons", and were sought after by many Guardians for the paracausal gifts they granted.

Jackson: Wish-fulfilling?

Ikora: Well in Cayde's words, he'll say that it can grant any wishes even if they are stupid.

Jackson: Any wish?

He stares at the drawing of the dragon.

Jackson: Where do I find one Ikora?

She was surprised when Jackson said wants to find one.

Ikora: The Ahamkara are no more Jackson.

Jackson: Huh?

In the current day of Titan, Jackson in the air swing his fire sword, sending strike at the ogre and Dwayne went uses his Striker to punch it in the face. It got it furious and shot a beam at Dwayne pushing into the ground.

Jackson: *voiceover* what happened to the dragons?

Jackson landed on the back stabbing it with the sword, making the ogre stop shooting beam at Dwayne. Dwayne stands up and goes help Jackson.

Ikora: *voiceover* They are all extinct.

Young Jackson looks at Ikora was questions.

Jackson: How they all died?

Ikora: We killed them all.

Young Jackson eyes widened open in shocked.

Jackson: Why?

Back in the fight Jackson went dashing at the Ogre from different direction, slashing his solar sword at it, then Dwayne goes under jump and throws few Fist of Havocs punches at the Ogre chest. The Ogre scream in rage and it goes double slam the ground sending Dwayne upward in the air.

Ikora: *voiceover* massive hunt by the Guardians of the City to exterminate the Ahamkara. Mysterious creatures rumored to have been brought into existence by the Traveler during the Golden Age, the Ahamkara were frequently sought out by Guardians for their wish-granting powers. These wishes would always backfire, however, and cause far more harm than good. As valuable as the Ahamkara were, ultimately the Vanguard deemed them too dangerous to be allowed to live.

Jackson: But wasn't there a other way to make the wishes to work?

Ikora goes stand on her knee, she puts her hand his shoulder.

Ikora: Jackson, tell me what's wrong.

He looked down sad.

Jackson: I want to have a wish.

Jackson goes puts on a different gauntlet, he puts the Claws of Ahamkara.

The Ogre went changes elements, Jackson and Dwayne were shocked

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The Ogre went changes elements, Jackson and Dwayne were shocked. The Gore goes shoot a Solar beam from its head at Jackson.

Ikora: *voiceover* What kind of Wish.

Jackson: *voiceover* Answers, about my past.

Ikora: *voiceover* I see, you want too learn about your past.

Young Jackson slowly shake his head, Ikora was confused.

Ikora: Then what is it?

Young Jackson turn to Ikora revealing his tears. She was worried about him.

Jackson: *tears* Why I was abandoned?

Ikora sees in him, his pain, loneliness, a child with no love of a mother or father. She goes grabbed him tight hugging him. Easing his pain.

Ikora: I know is painful.

Jackson pull out his hands and uses the Ahamkara claw to block the Solar beam. He was taking a lot of heat, and grunts in pain.

Ikora: *voiceover* But you're not alone. Kai and the others they've been with you, always care about you. You may not have a mother or a father, but you have a family.

Jackson goes yelling and increase his Dawn Blade power, and the Gauntlet was extremely hot from the Solar. He goes fly straight to the Solar beam and start spin into spiral Solar drill, then goes yelling as he goes into the Ogre's mouth.

Ikora: *voiceover* They may not be your real family, but they are always for you.

Jackson drill outs from the other side of the Ogre's mouth, leaving a hole behind it's head. He lands on the ground with his claw steaming with heat as the Ogre fall forward dead on the ground. He looks back at Dwayne with his thumbs as it was steaming heat. Young Jackson stands up from the floor with Ikora.

Ikora: Now, come. Lets get something to eat, my treat.

The both left.

Jackson: *small smile* What that Ramen place that Cayde was always talking.

Ikora: Cayde doesn't when to shut up.

Jackson: What happened to bodies of the Ahamkaras?

Ikora: Officially, the Hunt was successful and the vast majority of the Ahamkara species was rendered extinct, save for one. Ahamkara bones are used in some Warlock and Hunter armor.

Then they went and left. As the current day Jackson and Dwayne head back to the Siren watch, Dwayne went to repair his armor, Jackson went to his ship to see Velvet and Jane.

Jackson: Velv? I'm back.

Velvet: Jackson.

Velvet go up to him and gave him a kiss in the lips, then Jade was hiding and jump on his back.

Jade: Sneak attack!

Jackson and Velvet started to laugh. Jackson grabbed and lifted her.

Jackson: A sneaky one aren't you?

Jackson holds her up as she smiles at him. She then poke her finger in her nose.

Jade: Boop.

Velvet begin to laugh, then Jackson was laughing as well.

Ikora: *voiceover* Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones the one who accept you for who you are. The one who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.

As they all laughing and with happiness. The screen fade black.


Hey guy I hope you enjoy Jackson's character short. Next gonna be Soul's short.

Guardian out....

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