Chapter 52: 360Death squashed

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Both the underworld and Hell had no concept of time. Blanc approached the Astra that Blanc had been stalking and speaks to them. Soon they are talking and laughter circles the trio.

Blanc felt a shocking sensation over her body and was suddenly back at the cliff. Death looked them in the eye.
"Its a combination. Get rid of these virmin!"
One Archdemon, two Astra, three Dasonomè and Blanc. They jumped off the high cliff, pouring into battle.

A wall of turtles rolled towards them, hundreds of turtles.
"I've never seen this many!" The Archdemon complained, spitting out his now useless fire. Blanc's arrows of destruction and death caused minimal damage.

"Use the Sij to make a wall." Instantaneously, black orbs formed a wall which the turtles bounced over and opening up to release a shower of
"Cactus cats?! Transform brothers." Commands the alpha Dasonomè.

"Blanc! Wear this!" Astra speak. A black armor of Sij comes over Blanc's white garments and knee high boots, only leaving the joints exposed. A black helmet suctioned onto her head. The female Astra looks at Blanc with loving eyes.

"360death squad! THIS IS OUR FINAL STAND. IT BEEN AN HONOR, you too Blanc!" Beoxon expands his chest and inflated his cheeks. He spits out the flames, deadly and colossal, he spins and becomes a whirling tornado of fire. Blanc, like a legend, shooting arrows where ever a cactus cat was. The Sij walls were lowered, big mistake.

The wall blocked them from the view of the approaching Zecromak horde. The horned beasts approaching. The turtles cannonball from above while the cactus cat bounds from one place to the next.

A voice from the gathering clouds above boomed.
"They say lightning never strikes the same place twice. Lets see how true that is." Three lightning bolts stuck down the dogs.

A black dome covered Blanc, Astra.
The female Astra warped in and cupped Blanc's face.
"Young one. I need a huge favor from you. Death trusts you enough to protect the underworld. I'm trusting you now, take these Sij and end the battle. I'll take care of the Zecromak."
Blanc's face twists.

"I cant control them I'm not like you." Blanc yells.
"Dont worry they'll listen to you. Its easy enough." She warps out and a loud explosive sound penetrates Blanc's ears follow by an awful silence. In the silence the Sij transition to a cloudy grey color, orbiting her in no set pattern.

They'll listen to you.
She commands the Sij to open and when is does Blanc is greeted by a war zone littered with corpses. Death was face to face with a bandaged mummy.

"Your squadron is utterly disgraceful." The mummy laughed.
"The Keepers Of Truth will deal with you. Your time will come BITCH!" Death scoffs.

"Death, I just took on the most elite of your people and massacred everyone of them. Blanc fumes and yells.
"Not really!!"
Death appears infront of Blanc and they vanish.

"Your comrade sacrificed herself." He explains.
"The Sij are powerful, godsent weapons and what they can do is literally unfathomable. The cataclysmic explosion is one of them." Death takes a deep breath.

"Until further notice. You are 360death squad." Death vanished.

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