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The last period of the day was Physics. Also known as the class where Josh admitted his feelings for Gemma. So the students rolled in like a morning fog, dragging their feet against the floor which has survived so many chemical spills. Clumsy matriculates. Gemma sat in her usual spot, the back of the class where nobody actually looked. A skinny boy with pale skin and curly brown hair walked into the class, looking like your everyday nerd would. He sat next to Gemma and sighed

"Hey J-man how are you" Gemma began but all she got from him was a very loud scoff filled with anger."What's wrong chibi" she tried to make eye contact but he just turned his steel blue eyes away from her. 

" Don't act dumb Gem, you know what's wrong" his voice was seriously deep and serious.

"Honestly I don't, tell me" she answered fully confused

"Why didn't you just tell me there was someone else huh!" He snapped.
"Is this about what happened this morning? Is that why you kept avoiding me?"
"No you thot-"
"There is no need to start getting rude" silently Gemma knew she had offered him. Josh saw her willingly kiss Lucifer, and she did it passionately.
"You kissed the new guy and you did it with not even a glimmer of doubt or regret in those eyes of yours. "
She couldn't argue about that so she kept her nasty comments to herself. He was right and had every right to be angry. Gemma now put herself on the libe of losing the only boy who actually cared about her and loved her for more than her goddess like physical features.
"Gemma you promised to be my only one and you broke that promise. I see you as unfaithful. Im sorry but our relationship is terminated" he told her
"Those words, you didn't really love me did you? Because if you actually do love you would have given me another chance to prove my loyalty to you. You wouldn't have let it slip and die like that" Gemma defended herself. Josh went mute while Gemma tried to process things. She felt as if too much was going on and she needed to press the pause button in her life.

Josh let out a little chuckle. "How long?" He asked
"How long what" she asked back
"Have you been playing me Gemma?"
"I'll be the grown up in this conversation,  you are breaking up with me because YOU  have someone else so I'm leaving"  she stood up heading for the door.
"Ok, ok I lie"he quickly said grabbing her hand.
"I actually do still love you but I just dont feel alright with that kiss you gave that boy earlier."
She sat down slowly
"I didn't see you anywhere in sight so that was sort of my defense against Carter. You'll always be my chibi Josh... forever. " Her voice was calm and collected, travelling through to Joshua and arrived like a cool breeze on a hot day, relaxing. Gemma held Josh in a tender embrace. The physics teacher cleared his throat to remind them they are not alone.


The yellow globe of heat otherwise known as the sun began shying away from mankind, dipping into the horizon temporarily surrendering, letting the full moon and its stars concur the sky. Its streaks of red and orange splatterd across the sky served as a reminder of what a hot day it was. Once again Gemma journeyed home dragged her shoes lazily across the sidewalk walking, walking.
What's going on, why is my life such a whirring tornado of chaos it used to be so peaceful, besides for dads temper its always been there. She giggled softly to herself as she swung the gates of the Cortez family open and closed them behind her.

Thanx for reading guys please comment and please share
I need your criticism and feel free to ask ANYTHING.  Until next time Assassins be safe out there
Love you guys

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