Chapter 27: Zuri...The Past Is Haunting.

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The ice Zuri was frozen in exploded as it couldn't what was inside. A colossal copious tail swept across the battle zone, knocking the old man off Gemma.
"I. Feel. Alive!" Zuri yelled in joy infused with anger.

"Zuri you're alive." A tsunami of relief hit Gemma.
"Not for long." The old man stated.
Gemma lunged on top of him, pinning him down with all her strength.
"What do you mean you're not my papã? !!?" She demanded.

"It was a scheme. It was part of a deal we had with both the Cavendishes after you were kidnapped from your real parents. We decided to stash you away for a couple of years-"
"Why?!" Digging the claws of the tiger into his skin.
"To prevent the prophesy from coming true. If Nefariette is ever revived or awakened we are all doomed. She must never be awakened and in the prophesy a girl with a mirror awakens her. You were born with a mirror...Kayla."
Gemma gasped as her mind reeled back to The Red Assassin at the mall incident.
"Where is the mirror I was born with, my whole life is a lie, if this Nefariette is so dangerous maybe she should be awakened. Where is my mirror, did you shatter it? Answer me!!" 

The old man point to Zuri standind utop a brontosaurus. A brontosaurus in the flesh.
"There is your mirror, your... twin."
"Wait what.?" The twins exclaimed in utter bemusement.
"Its true. Surprise." One Cavendish giggled
"Seeing that you found each, other the three of us conjured the plan to groom you into perfect killers and have you kill each other." The second chuckled both their voices hoarse.
"But now seeing that one of the twins that were supposed to rule the underworld are dead, we have no worries." Papã assured himself.

Gemma narrowed her eyes and raised a paw, claws unsheathed glistened in the midday sun.
"My whole life, our entire lives were a lie, nothing but a big ass lie." Gemma felt betrayed, defeated, isolated and alone in barren world of rotten lies. She swiped at him taking off nearly half his face. The Cavendish teleported above Gemma ready for an axe kick. It was caught by Lily with a lunatic smile.
"Oh Ohhh!" She warned before flinging him to the ground.

Lucifer summoned two more demons.
"I noticed it was two on one, now its two on one the other way." Lucifer smiled maniacally. "Wanna test your luck?"

They gathered around in tight circle, both the Cavendishes, papã, Xavier with Xander's bloody, mangled body. Out of the clear blue sky, lightning cracked the air, vanishing with the squad of lying kidnappers.

Gemma's tiger sizzled away into thin air, Zuri's brontosaurus evaporated. The tatooed lines on Gemma's caramel skin retracted back into that wound, scar she received the day she got the curse. She dropped her white katana and collapsed onto her knees. Zuri caught her and gave her a tight bear hug Gemma returned it.
"My... my sister, my twin sister." Zuri cried.
"Zuri, I...I dont know where I belong anymore, who am I...Zuri what am I?"
"You're my sister, my sister. Sister."
"I thought I lost you back there Z... never. ..ever ...  do that to me. Hey?"
The twins embraced each other as Lucifer adressed his squad of deceivers

"Its too late ... all is lost. If they're to figure what those abilities do when combined, its bye bye us." Lucifer panicked.
"Dont they still have to learn to use the power of the beasts." Lily asked curiously tilting her head.
"Lily, its like speaking, there is a lot more they can 'say'. They can 'say one word' for now but gradually over time they'll be 'speaking entire speeches'. One 'word' is so powerful Lily dont you get the amount of power they possess?"
Lily stole a quick look and sighed.
"Lucifer, my lord look at them, they are defeated, powerless, depressed what damage can they do?" She asked
Lucifer glanced at the girls kneeled down sobbing and comforting each other.
"Damage of Jurassic proportions Lily. See Gemma? Her body has already began to accustom itself to the curse, that's bad enough.  Zuri's body is already skipped the accustoming phase for some reason, thats even more dangerous"

Fear filled their hearts, confusion hit like an unexpected storm.
"But not to worry my underdeveloped underlings. I have a trump card that wont fail." The devil assured with a voice that morphed from defeated to menacing and to shear determination.

Thanx for reading once again hope you have enjoyed as much as I did. Please drop a few comments and share. Please also consider voting.

Stay safe assassins YOU NEVER KNOW


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