Chapter 14: Zuri vs Lucifer

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"Thor? Thor Odins-" she questioned as the butt of an invisible sword hit her on the head, hard. Her vision was distorted for a few seconds. Unfortunately a few seconds is all Lucifer needed to land a barrage of rapid roundhouse kicks and finished with a low kick. She sprawed across the cold tiled floor spreading blood where she skid. She went to her wardrobe and took out a fully loaded revolver. Zuri threw a kunai towards him, he ducked, as she fired she said
"Bullets are faster than kunai's"
Time slowed. Lucifer dodged the bullet and sliced the air with Dystopiana. A heatwave hit Zuri, sending her flying into her bed.

"Because I'd like to see a certain chain of evenys unfolding and because I kinda care about Gemma... I'll spare you... but only this once." He said in Zuri's face. She spat blood in his face which caused him and Dystopiana to flare up.

He left. Zuri stumbled over to an unconscious Gemma and knelt down next to her. Zuri's eyes blurred with tears, her heart double ached. She tried to check for a pulse and quickly pulled away realizing her body was scorching.

"I'm sorry G. I tried but sometimes tried isn't good enough. There is just this dark cloud hovering above me right now. Midnight-Shadow is sealed, and now you. Gemma please... you gotta get up. Its always been just the two of us against the world. I need you. You've always made flowers grow in the saddest parts of me." Zuri sobbed, she let it all out, the pain she kept bottled inside and cried a river. This was something she rarely did. Through the scorching pain she picked up Gemma's body and gently placed it on the bed then proceeded in cleaning the room. She then slept.


It was a quarter to midnight when Zuri woke up to check on Gemma. She turned on the light and sat next to her. Dabbing sweat off Gemma, Zuri sighed and hoped her closest friend would be Ok by morning.
"Hopeless but still hoping" she sighed pressing two fingers against Gemma's neck. Besides the weak soft pulse she felt she also noticed her temperature dropped exponentially and smiled inwardly.
A tear droplet landed on Gemma's cheek as Zuri put the Shadow madelione around the sleeping beauty.
"Ill be strong ... for the three of us" she promised whilst wiping away the tears.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter next one will definatly be awesome AND long. Please comment vote and share with other assassins.
STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know

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