Chapter 42: Zuri goes shopping

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Cold, the sun selfish with its heat. Zuri puts her mask on as she watches the boat sink, the sun rise. Pteradactyl was the way she flew back home, high using the clouds as cover. A whirlwind of thoughts come and go but she holds it in. Memories flash past, she holds in the tears.

People point and take videos as she dives towards the house, she dismisses them... inferior humans. She climbs into the window, heavy hearted and changes her blood stained coat. Non of it was hers. She walks to the shower, her vision blurs but she quickly blinks the tears away. She locks the door and stands in the shower, staring at the wall as the hot water pelts her back like thousands of feet tap dancing. She doesn't stop it this time, she lets the tears flow with the shower water. Her father bangs on the door, threatening to break it down.
"Zuri! Come out THIS INSTANT!" his loud boom was met by nothing but utter silence and running water. The sound stops and Zuri climbs out the shower, her hair wet, water polka-dotted her body, her flawless legs, hips involuntarily swayed as she walked, her brown eyes caught the morning light. Her father grabbed her arm as she walked, violently stopping her. The towel that covered her delicates fell, exposing her mature breasts and shaven vagina, fresh.

"Where were you last night?" Angrily asks, trying his best to avoid the nipples as tempting as they were on Zuri's perfect model-like-body. She stared into his eyes and yanked her arm free before turning around and picking up her towel. He couldn't avert his gaze as her ass parted to reveal Zuri's tempting virgin pussy and ass-hole. He fantasized how good it'd feel to give her anal, while fingering her. How perfectly snug his dick would go into that tight hole. A protrusion conjured in his pants. He watched that ass, barely containing his desires as she walked away.

The stingy globe of heat was half way across the sky when Zuri got out the house and headed for the crechè at the border of the neighbourhood. She knocked on the door once. The lady that answered it was greeted by a bullet straight through her head. Zuri let herself in, gunning down the remaining staff, deaf to the screams of the children. She locked the door behind her and put her finger on her lips. It was a universal signal the fearful, horror struck children understood. Shut the fuck up or I fuckin blow your head in two perfect halves.

Her eyes held no mercy as she scanned the little ones, the oldest being five years old. The youngest looked about 1 and a half years. 90 eyes gazed back at her, then at her gun. She herds them into a room, locks it and switches on the news. She examines the reporter and leaves the house. A few blocks away she turns pteradactyl and dominates the sky.

She spots the reporter, she was right. The crew was done,  they were packing up getting ready to leave .It wasn't the reporter she wanted ... it was that thin canera man. Hollow cheeks, sunken eyes and unruly hair. She dived down, oblivious to the civilians taking pictures. She catches him like a fish eagle catching prey. She's off, the camera-man grips his camera as if it'd anchor him to the ground. His crys for help are drowbed by the sheer wind force as they disappeared into the clouds.
They dive, she drops him close to the ground and transforms back. Zuri then covered his mouth, dragging him back to the house. So far everything was going smoothly. Too smoothly.

She searches the house for a paper and a pen, scribbles down something and gives it to the reporter to read or die. He gets the signal to start rolling when Zuri put on her black cat mask.

A whole set of cutlery spread out before her. A blue bed sheet covered the curtains. The dragged the first kid, a two year old and held a fork in one hand.
"We...we're live here. We have a demand to make. Give us the Cavendishes. The longer you take, the more I torture these kids." The camera shakingly showed the span of children then turned to show the fork digging out the girl's eye. Blood spewed and oozes out the socket followed by blood curling screams. She forks out the second one and lets the girl run blindly. She grabs a five year old boy who's struggling was in vain. She stabbed his little dick onto a table, took a knife and began bisecting it.

There was no escape.

Hi peeps. 

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