Chapter 40: No Yin. No Yang ♥♡

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Gemma froze in fear at the sound of the last three words. ZURI, KILL GEMMA. She refused toaccept it,doubting every word. Zuri delivered a drop-kick on her sisters masked face, kicking the doubt away.

"Zuri? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Gemma was completely baffled as she stood up, her ears ringing, she struggled to get her balance temporarily. Zuri was already swinging her blade, aiming for the neck. Gemma leapt back, refusing to fight her. Zuri was consistently attacking, Gemma evaded strategically. Refusing to fight her, Zuri was constantly attacking, Gemma constantly dodging. Her right eye caught sight of a skeletal figure, clasping a blood tainted scythe. It glimmered in the moonless night only outshone by his smile shone brighter. Grimm Reaper. A servant of Death.

"What have you done to her. Scums!" Gemma fumed, while blocking Zuri's swing. She jumped over her sister, using her sword to block Zuri's attempt to stop her, now making a dash for the Cavendishes. Zuri chipped Gemma's foot as she ran and struck her back with the hilt of the dark bladed sword. Gemma stretched out her hands for balance, Zuri slammed her face into the ground before she could touch it. Blood poured out her nose along with unbearable pain followed by a sharp kick to the gut which sent her flying across the barren rooftop. Zuri caught up to Gemma and repeated the kick, this time she dropped off the roof. She landed with a thud followed by the unpleasant sound of shattering ribs that didn't exactly thrill her. Gemma coughed up blood, breathing was a mission as she forced herself up through the pain. 

Their swords clashed and whispered a lethal tune in moonless night. At equal speeds, Gemma matched Zuri blow for blow. The clang of metal against metal filled the night sky, they were nothing but silhouettes in the night sky. Gemma turned 180 spin only to clash with Zuri's sword again. Her knee was blocked by Zuri's free hand as Gemma tried to push past. They glared into each others eyes, testing their strengths, Zuri's eyes devoid of emotion and life.
"What have they done to my sister?" she whispered and jumped back.

Huffing and puffing but still standing, through the sharp, intense pain, Gemma stood. Zuri launched herself into the air using the tree, she dropped down with an attack to end Gemma but the assassin deflected it, both losing grip of their swords. The scythe wielder inched closer, raising his bloody weapon. Death appeared in a tornado of black mist.
"I have to see this one myself." he comments. The glimmer of satisfaction sparked in both their eyes, sending an unearthly shiver down Gemma's spine.

Zuri punched Gemma's jaw before she could dodge. It cracked like a twig snapping. Zuri then grabbed Gemma's shoulders, thrusting her knee into her gut over and over until she could muster the strength to push Zuri away and sweep kick her onto the ground before another knee dug into her. She landed on Zuri and widened her eyes when she realized their lips touched. In the time that Gemma was processing this, Zuri kicked her off. She was on her feet again, running towards Gemma. Gemma crashed against the stem of a tree, knocking the breath out of her. Is Zuri ... A Spinosaurus pushed past the trees, scattering Gemma's thoughts. The Spinosaurus gave her little time to think as a Demon African Elephant formed around her. Almost matching the spinosaurus size. It lumbered towards the dinosaur with its thickened hide and elongated tusks, Gemma safely concealed inside the barrier of energy. 

The gargantuan elephant plowed through the resisting spinosaurus, flattening trees as they went until they barreled into the building wall.
"She went into her demon-form animal." Metsi announced, masking his growing fear as the building shook. Kolodimo, the blue robed Cavendish took a deep breath and responded
"Dont interfere, besides it uses more of her energy. this way."

The beast non-hesitantly clamped onto the thick elephant hide using its monstrous teeth, its jaws powerful enough, ripped chunks of the solidified energy out. Digging its way to Gemma. She reeled back, the elephant sizzling away, making room for new creation. Streamline head, dotted wings, red waves of energy radiated off it. A single wing-beat was all it took for Gemma to be airborne, escaping the jaws of the dino. Fluttering her deadly wings and beak above the old dark building. The trees bowed  bowed in respect to the mighty wind from the wings.
"Cavendish... I'll kill to to the max!" she spat, folding her sharp edged wings, cutting the wind. She was a bullet, a dart, missile aerodynamically cutting the wind, unstoppable. That's how she felt. She opens her hand, sword manifesting.
"Darkness Falls."  and with the flick of his finger, the blue robed Cavendish sent Gemma flying into a pterodactyl beak. It impaled her bird onto the ground, sizzle, it disappears. 

Gemma cant move now, barely has the strength to lift up her sword. Zuri jumps out the dinosaur and stabs Gemma between the ribs, near the heart.
"Freedom." Mullowhispered as breeze blew off the hoods that disguised who they actually were. 

It was like a rush, like traveling through the highway at mach speed. Zuri came back to reality, holding Gemma, her blood on her hands.
"Gemma?" She began, her hands trembling she pulled out the blade. Gemma smiled.
"You're back Z."
"Gemma, dont go theres too much we havent done yet." She frantically looked around, the Cavendishes disappeared.
"No. Dont, living with you is a life lived at its fullest." Gemma sighed, blood trickling from her mouth. Zuri put pressure on the wound causing Gemma to screem in pain.
"Gemma stay with me please! Please stay, dont go." Zuri pleaded in tears.
"You'll never be alone." Gemma smiled and used the last of her energy wrapped her arms around Zuri's neck.
"I love you ... little assassin." Her body suddenly went limp when Deaths scythe ripped through her body.

"Another one licks the scythe." He whispered before disappearing in a ghostly manner, taking Gemma's soul.

Zuri's face changed faster than unpredictable weather.
"No. No no no no! Gemma dont go, come back. Come back, Gemma dont leave." Zuri cradled her body, hugging it close.
"There is no yin without yang. I NEED YOU GEMMA. Wake up! Wake up." She held it tighter.

Abundant tears meandered down her cheeks.
"Let me tell you something cliche, I'll avenge you." She whispered.

Hi lovely wattpadder im sorry for the delay. Hope you didnt suffer from that epic cliffhanger. I hope you enjoyed as much as I did, please comment and consider voting. 


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