The Bank

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

"How much longer do I have to spy and be friends with the whiny, attention seeking brat?" Ronald Weasley asked.

Harry managed to keep from gasping out loud. He hoped this wasn't what he thought it was. It couldn't be. They were really his friends. Unfortunately for him the hope was distinguished when the headmaster answered Ron.

"Just until he and Tom fight. If he survives the battle with Tom then we will kill him. Thanks to the marriage contract even if he dies before marrying her his money goes to her." The headmaster said.

"I understand."

"Hermione, did you give him the love potion?" He asked her.

'No not you too.' Harry thought.

"I did sir." She answered.


"Good. You know what to do." Dumbledore said.

"Yes sir." He heard the two say.

Harry fled after that. He went to the bank. He wanted to see what he could do so that they couldn't get any of his money. He also wanted to see about the marriage contract. He didn't want to marry Ginny.

He grabbed his things and shrunk them. Harry put them into his pocket. He then put on the invisibility cloak and grabbed the map. He used the map to avoid students and teachers as he used the secret passages. Once he was in Hogsmeade he used the three broomsticks' floo and went to the bank. He found a familiar face and went over to him.

"Excuse me, Griphook?"

"Yes Mr. Potter?" His eyes widened as he realized something. "You remember me?"

"Can I speak with you privately? Yes I remember you. You were the one to show me my vault when I was eleven." He answered.

Griphook was surprised but smiled at the green eyed boy. "Of course. Follow me."


Harry followed Griphook to a private room. Once there Harry explained what he had overheard. Griphook's frown deepened the more he heard.

"May I make a suggestion?"


"I suggest that you take a blood test. This will give you a family history and will tell if you have any potions or spells on you. Then I will do an audit of any vaults you own and look at this marriage contract." He told the wizard.

"O-okay. Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome." He left only to return with a vial of potion, a scroll, a bowl, and a dagger. "The potion requires three drops of your blood." He gave the fifteen year old the dagger.


Griphook put the scroll into the bowl before pouring in the potion. Harry cut his finger and allowed three drops of blood to fall into the bowl. The potion went from a crystal blue to a dark red and began bubbling. When the bubbling died down the potion started to absorb into the scroll and writing appeared. Griphook handed the scroll to Harry.

Name: Harrison James Potter

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Father- James C. Potter (Deceased)

Mother- Lily R. Evans (Deceased)

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