I laughed at that and nodded. “Yup. You miss school for a day and it seems like the teacher taught the most important chapter that day, you missed the best fight and the canteen actually served decent food that day.”

“Seriously.” Ryder murmured.

From the corner of my eye I saw Rosalita giggle at my comment.

“Oh, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce you guys to some of my oldest friends, Andrew and Ryder.” I said, pointing at them respectively.

“We know Ryder.” Aiden said, for the first time since we all met. “He is one who picked us up from the airport and escorted us to the pack house.”

Aiden gave Ryder a fist bump and it seemed to me like they were friends already. I had interpreted Aiden to be a quiet person, but maybe he just didn't like our company.

“Pack house?” Andrew asked, perplexed and my eyes widened.

“Oh... he means Katherine's house. I guess he called it that because a lot of people live there.” I sent everybody panicked looks and their eyes widened as they realised that there was a human with us.

“Urm yeah.” Aiden said awkwardly and Andrew nodded, half convinced.

After that, I introduced everyone to each other and soon everyone was comfortable with each other.

Then conversations flew by and after a long time, I felt like life was normal.


The bell rang soon. Too soon for my liking. I sighed, wishing it was longer. I honestly had fun, talking to these people and getting to know about them.

“I don't wanna go to chemistry,” Rosalita whined as we got up.

“Seriously it's the worst.” Maria grumbled too.

“Why are you complaining! You have fine arts.”

“But still! I'll have chemistry in my next period.” Maria reasoned.

“Don't you hate it too?” Rosalita turned around as she was walking down the corridor and asked me.

“Urm…” I began.

I don't hate chemistry at all.  Infact I love it. It's my favourite subject and my strong point. But I didn't want to say that to them because then it felt like I was flaunting my knowledge or something.

“Are you kidding me? It's her favourite.” Ryder said as he casually dropping his arm over my shoulder, making me frown at him.

“Really?” Rosalita said, her eyes widening dramatically and she looked at me as if I had suddenly popped a second head.

I sighed. “Don't worry, you'll love it too in a day or two. Our teacher teaches very nicely.”

“Can't relate.” Ryder and Andrew both said at the same time shaking their head, making me glare at them.

“Don't you have classes too?” I said in a chastising tone as we reached outside where the chemistry class is. “Shoo!”

Chuckling at me, they both backed off with their hands in surrender and then walked away.

I shook my head in amusement and I was about to walk inside the class when I heard Rosalita take a sharp breathe beside me.

“What happened?” I asked, suddenly alarmed. These days every small stimuli seemed to do that to me.

The Beta's Unwanted Mate | ✔️ CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now