Close to my heart Pt2

Start from the beginning

I didn't even realise he was behind me as I turned around almost hitting him in the face. And to my horror he was indeed pushed slightly.

"I am sorry" I said hurriedly hoping he wouldnt hurt me.

"Can't you pay attention or are you still into that oh so important chat of yours?" he said sarcastically, but his voice was hard.

It took a second for me to realise what he was implying and dread filled in my mind.

He knew about the phone call?

No no he can't. I had always checked the coast before answering my phone.

" I - I don't have my phone with me" I stuttered out.

"Move aside!" he yelled grabbing my arm and pushing me aside.

My heart raced as I watched him switching on the tap and wiping his plate with anger. It was crystal clear he was angry but this time I had no clue as to what about.

From last few days we were not on talking terms. Actually, I tried to talk but he had ignored me,something quite unusual for him. He always liked to pick up a fight with me, insult me, harass me into submission but from past few days, he was only giving me hard looks of inferno anger, and ignoring my existence at the same time.

And to say that was making me restless and scared would be a huge understatement.

The silence in the room apart from the clattering of the utensils while he washed was broken by the loud ringing of my phone.

Our eyes locked and I had no doubt in my mind that he knew that was the same phone call. My fear grew ten fold as I stood there completely still watching him walk towards it.

I mentally slapped myself to even bringing my phone down.

ZOYA, you have dug a big hole for yourself this time!

He picked up the phone looking down at the screen and then came towards me. I was practically shivering with the intensity of his gaze and the sheer panic in me.

To my surprise he snatched my hand and slapped the ringing phone on it. I went to cut the call only to be stopped by his voice

"Pick it up"

"I - I will attain it later. No pr-" I try to make up an excuse only to whimper as he pulls me close, eyes burning with fire as he commands.

"Pick up the bloody call Zoya! Don't make me repeat it"

"I -"I try to talk through this, to scared for him to find out. I helplessly turn my phone screen to pick up the call only for it to be missed.

I breathe a sigh of relief unconsciously at that only to open my eyes yelling out in pain as he twists my hand slamming it on the counter behind me.

"You are my wife, did you forget that!?" he implores, glaring right at me.

"No-oo" I stutter out trying to loosen his hold on me. He grabs my chin with his two fingers turning my face towards him pulling me out of my fumbling.

"Whatever the romance you are upto I need you to stop!" he angrily whispers

"I.. I -" I whimper unable to hide the pain of his accusations and his anger.

"Don't forget who owns you" he continues making my blood boil at his domination.

"You don't" I unconsciously whisper out not even noticing I said it out loud.

"What?" he bites back, his fiery stance giving me the energy

"You don't..don't ow-own me" I reply back only for him to come closer making me breathless.

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