"I don't have it in me to hate you or him even after you said. Unlike you, I don't hold grudges or wish my own blood to die. You had hurt me, made me bleed out and have someone abuse me all in the name of hatred that you hold for me. I should harbor the same inside of me for you if I would have been anyone else but I'm me, the woman who you had brutally destroyed for last three years and made sure was hated by everyone." I turned around and looked at all the faces who curiously looked at the scene unfolding.

"You made all their eyes turned down on me, had me hated in a way that could have died and none would have even cared. Three years abused by a man whom I called husband, crying in a room with no one to hear, dying day by day from the inside until I had turned empty with bruises on my body that no one cared about all done because of you. I have lived in a hell that I wouldn't even wish upon you but still, I stand here in front of you telling you that I don't have it in me to hate you," my heart bled as I let it all out with non-stop tears down my face.

"I wish I had it in me but I don't because you have turned me empty. There isn't a heart inside of me because you had made sure that it was so broken and shattered. I sadly I have no idea what happiness or love is because there is only pain and hate I have seen in the eyes of everyone for me. Not even a single person to sympathize or pity because of you, even my own parents," I look at them as I cry out my pain. My mother's eyes unable to meet mine while my father glared at me.

"Everything all because of you and I still won't pray for you to die when I should. I'm not you, Serena and I hope to god I never will be a woman like you. I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of having my hatred but I let me tell you one thing, your times over and of your lies too," her eyes widen at my words.

"Serilda," Erik yell out and I turn around with my hurtful teary eyes making him stop in his steps.

"I wish I could have in it me like all those other abused women to love you but I don't, not anymore after hearing you say those things. I was never your first and pray to God that I would never be your last because you don't deserve me like every other person here doesn't." It hurt deeply to say those words. He may have been the victim but no one put a gun on his head forcing him to abuse me. He chooses it like he always chooses her.

"You both deserved each other and still do," I said to him looking straight in his eyes. A hand wrapped around my arms. I knew by that hold and Goosebumps rising on my skin that it was him. I didn't stop him or fought him as he dragged me out of the room. We didn't stop until we had crossed the resort and were out on a secluded beach under the shades of trees hiding away from everyone.

"Why? Why do you have to do this?" he asks me angrily gripping both of my arms.

"I might ask you the same question," I reply haughtily freeing myself from his hold.

"Your question doesn't matter to me" Nathaniel yells out.

"Then yours doesn't too," I answer back punching fingers in his chest.

"I need you to fucking stop trying to ruin my wedding Serilda. Just stop it damn it," His hand goes around my neck as he pushes me towards him.

"Then, you should fucking drop the idea of marrying my sister!" I heave out.

"I'm marrying her, Serilda and that's final," his face just a few inches away from me as he whispers out those words. "She comes first for now" his words tear me away feeling like a knife scraping away my skin.

"Why?" I shout out. "How can you be marrying her after knowing what she has done? Don't you believe in me? She ruined my life and hated and you still are adamant on marrying her. Why Nathaniel? Does she have something on you? A got damn hold that you can't escape? Tell me why she has to come first always? Why?" I burn in agony each time knowing that she always came first and even for him she came first. How could he say that after knowing everything?

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