His hands were on each side of me nest to my thighs with him leaning forward so his face was only slightly leaning over me. Looking up at him “It’s a start that’s for sure” I said softly

“There’s something between us and its time we figured it out don’t you think?”  I asked Jace

“Probably maybe it will keep me from losing my sanity; you cause me a lot of headaches I hope you know that” 

I let out a soft laugh “I think your far from sane already I'm not sure I can help you there” I said jokingly 

Jace backed up crossing his arms over his chest again “You’re a distraction to me and that’s not something I need as President of the club I’m supposed to be in charge I can’t do that with you” he said seriously 

“There’s a but coming I can tell” 

Jace gave me a look that made me out my hands up in a mock surrender.

“Like I was saying but then if you’re not with me or I see another guy or really any guy near you I cant stand it and lose control then my mind gets clouded and my judgment call is put into question” he said.

“I don’t understand why you worry so much about me I’m more then capable to take care of myself” I said shaking my head at him.

“Yes so I’m well reminded with everything in the room not that I’m still happy about what your doing anyway” he said slightly frowning at me.

“As far as other guys go your going to have to learn to trust me if your going to be blowing a casket every time someone gets near me its not going to work” I said honestly.

“Well how am I supposed to what about what you pulled today kissing that bonehead right in front of me?” he asked seriously. 

“Oh for the love that is all high and damn mighty! Where not together Jace and as far as I know that means kissing Johnny is acceptable” I said staring at him hard. 

Jace was grumbling to himself about women being complicated.

“It’s true and you can’t deny it” 

“That doesn’t mean I have to like it thought, answer me this honestly have you slept with him?” he asked 

Of all the questions he had to ask he picked that one, looking him straight in the eyes “I did” that was my answer and I could already see his eyes harden with disappointment.

“You wanted the truth there it is” I said

He took as many steps back from me till his back was against the wall. Jace looked hurt but he had wanted the truth and there it was I knew he would like it but if I wanted it to work it was necessary.

“How can I be with you thinking you might go with another guy?” his voice hard as he glared at the floor.

He had the nerve to even ask me that, it pissed me off that he would even think I would do that to someone. “Wow that’s how low you think of me? The fact that you would even ask me that seriously pisses me off why would I do that to someone” I said my voice hard he went to far.

I got off the table to stand and before he could he even say anything I put my hand up and kept talking.

“I know first hand what it feels like to be cheated on it hurts why would I want to put someone through that?! If I ever felt the need to cheat I wouldn’t stay with someone why would I make someone suffer like that” I practically yelled at him

Jace stared at him in shock at my sudden outburst but his eyes had softened he reached out a hand to try to grab me but I moved away from me. He looked hurt by my small rejection but it didn’t matter to me. 

“I-I-I didn’t mean it like that Lexi I-I’m sorry it’s just” he said apologetically at a lost for words 

“You always seem to be sorry Jace and you know what I’m sorry too but if you ever want anything to do with me your going to have to accept me the way I am and learn to trust me if you cant do that then we will never be together” I said I felt my heart break even more.

Just the thought of not being able to be with him made me sad but I had to stand my ground if he couldn’t do something this small we wouldn’t last and I saw no reason to bother trying.    

“It’s not that I don’t trust you its all those guys there always after you” he said frustrated knowing he had made a mistake.     

“Don’t try and change it now you know that’s not true” just as I was about to say more my phone vibrated in my pocket pulling it out I looked at my IPhone screen it was an alarm I had set.    

“Time to Get Ready” 11:45 pm       

Looking up at Jace “I can’t deal with this right now I have to start getting ready and Idon’t need distractions because that’s what you’ll be” walking towards the door opening it I half stepped out of the room but not before looking at Jace over my shoulder “Figure out exactly what it is that you want with me, then come to me when you have your answer.”      

With that I shut the door behind me walking over to Tito who was behind the bar pouring to of the prospects a shot. Coming up next to them “Tito the bag” I said quietly.      

Tito looked up and stopped pouring the liquor sitting the bottle down before reaching under the table and handed me my bag he had a grim look on his face knowing exactly what I was about to do.      

I swiftly grabbed it and made my way into the back room closing the door behind me I locked it walking over to the bed I gently placed the bag on the bed. I slowly unzipped the bag taking out my change of clothes my gun case along with my vest. Then the silver case at the bottom that held the ear piece and talkie.      

I took out the burn phone that was in the side pocket of the bag and sent a multi-person text message to all members of Viper Vixens and Red Dragons telling them it was time to get ready and to use the bag they had been given earlier today.  

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