"Dammit," I muttered under my breath ,the redness of my face going away, but she heard me and placed her arm over my shoulders.

"Don't worry ,at least she didn't kill you," my cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink as she leaned her face closer. Her face seemed so emotionless but her eyes were smiling. "Honestly I thought she would but hey, you got lucky right?" She suddenly pecked my cheek causing my rosy cheeks to go scarlet in a matter of seconds. Before I could say anything she began to pull me over to the fire where Carl was munching on some food,"Have you eaten yet? I was about to make myself something since me and Carl both missed out from sleeping."

Not trusting my mouth to function after the kiss to my cheek I just smiled and nodded as an answer. She understood and began to cook while I went and sat down next to Carl," Did my mom say something to you?"

I avoided Carl's eyes, Knowing what I know, if I let it slip about his mom then this time she will definitely hang me by my neck. Swallowing out of nerves I just scratched at the back of my neck and let out a small laugh," She wanted me to go get some more stuff from the town, that's all."

He nodded and went back to eating with a smile on his face,"This is really good Y/N!"

She only hummed in response.

Oh right, I was supposed to ask her about going to town with me before I accidentally.. hit... her... I covered my cheeks with my hands as the thought of my hand against her chest was just-

"Glennnnnnnn!" My eyes widened as I looked up to see Y/N with a raised eyebrow, then I noticed she was holding out a plate which was right in front of my nose. "Take it before I give it to someone else would you."

I quickly took it, I wouldn't pass up the chance of eating something that Y/N specifically made for me. "Umm thank you."

She hummed again," Check to see if it's actually cooked all the way Glenn, I have a...umm...habit for undercooking meat. I rather you not get sick."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked down at the meat, How does someone have a habit for not cooking meat all the way. I bit into the meat carefully, her warning had me both confused and worried but after my bit I confirmed it was safe. And it's really good too. I looked up at her to see that she was eating as well, but when I looked at it her food looked extremely undercooked. Does she not get sick from eating uncooked meat? I watched as she easily bit into the red meat and swallowed it without flinching at the raw taste. Some people do order their food rare but....

( Your POV )

It's funny teasing Glenn, mostly because it is surprisingly easy to make him blush, but also cause his reactions are cute. I just shrugged as I watched Carl eat happily, my eyes then moved over to Glenn who seemed to be focused on me, no not me but my lap. The raw meat. I frowned as I stared at him, I needed to move his focus and fast. "Glenn." He looked up at my face slowly," When Lori was talking to you what did she ask for anyway?"

To this I noticed his thoughts vanish and his previous focus on my food was easily tossed to the back of his mind, I sighed internally, I need to be more careful, but my body was craving for raw meat at this point. He put his food down,"Oh she asked me to run into town again, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to join me. Just in case anything happens."

I nodded with a soft smile,"Sure, I've been thinking of heading back to see if they have any knives."

He nodded with a smile,"That's great, now I just gotta ask Maggie ."

I cocked my head to the side as he said this, does he not want Maggie to come along or something? Actually maybe something happened between them again...I shrugged it off,"Anyway, what does Lori want this time?" He visibly flinched at the question before looking off in a different direction, does this have to do with her being pregnant again? "Glenn."

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