Being Brave

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A/N: PLEASE ENJOY THE JINDRAGON FLUFF... See how much I love you guys? XD


"What're you doing?" Jin asked, peeking over Maya's shoulder. The blonde was sitting on the couch in her apartment, her laptop and a pad of paper across from her on the glass coffee table. "You takin' nudie pictures for Seung Hyun?"

Maya rolled her eyes. "Of course not! know I don't start anything that I can't finish."

"OH! You are horrible! You two make me understand the saying 'opposites attract'," Jin retorted, laughing. She was hanging out at Maya's apartment for a few minutes before heading over to the airport to pick up Ji Yong.

"Nahhh..." the blonde replied, looking up from the screen to see that her friend had made her way back to the bathroom; no doubt she was preening and fixing her hair for the millionth time. "So what's the plan for tonight?"

Jin poked her head out of the brightly lit room. "I got us reservations at Crossroads, and then I don't know, maybe we'll just rent a movie at my house or something."

Maya arched an eyebrow. "Hmmm...I'm sure the movie will be fascinating."

"Watch it," Jin warned, pointing a manicured finger at her before blushing and giggling. Grabbing her make up from the vanity, she tucked the bright red clutch under her arm before walking to the front door. Holding it for balance, Jin buckled her black strappy sandals. "It's not my fault if the movie ends up being boring."

Maya laughed at her innuendo, blowing her friend a kiss as she left. As soon as the lock clicked, the blonde turned her attention back to the laptop. She had decided to send Seung Hyun the pictures she had taken of them together, along with a letter. A letter that explained the feelings that she couldn't vocalize.

After an in-depth discussion with her boss at CHANEL, the blonde had connected with the manager at the CHANEL store in Seoul, more specifically the posh Gangnam district; the man spoke fluent English and was impressed by the overview of the resume she gave him. Assuring her that the position as head stylist was still available, he urged Maya to send him her complete resume. He also mentioned the ridiculous salary she would be making in comparison to where she was currently. The next day, she faxed him the paperwork and bought Rosetta Stone for Korean. The blonde hadn't told Jin yet, only her mom and dad. As she stared at the blank sheets of paper in front of her, Maya knew that this letter would be the hardest part. She had never been good with emotions.

Packaging the photos in an envelope and addressing it, she decided that an entire letter wasn't necessary. Until she was certain she had the job, there was no point in pouring her whole heart out. Maya grabbed a lavender sticky note and put it on the top picture in the stack; the first thing he would read when he opened the envelope would be "I love you" in her boyish handwriting, with a drawing of little wings around it.

Of all days, of all days, above my head you fly around. Follow you, following you freely, I fly freely. If I could meet you with these wonderful wings.


Jin sat outside of the airport in her silver Audi A4 at dusk, watching anxiously as people filtered out of the sliding doors. She was worried that some fans might hear about him coming to LA, but LAX was quiet- well, as quiet as Los Angeles International Airport could get. Finally Jin spotted him; carrying a khaki backpack, Ji Yong was wearing dark skinny jeans with a lighter denim button-down shirt, a red beanie, and black Ray Bans. When he saw her, he ran up to the car, smiling.

"Hi yobo!" he greeted, climbing into the passenger seat and kissing her.

"Happy person!" Jin joked, she was so happy. "How was the flight?"

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