Bubble Pop!

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"...and if you look down between the shops, there are streets meant for bikes and pedestrians. A lot of boutiques are down these streets, so if you see one you like, just holla."

"If you weren't such a good stylist, Maya, I'd say you would have a stellar career as a tour guide!" Jin joked. The seven of them walked down the busy streets of Venice, having had to park far away from the boardwalk.

Maya smirked, pointing stiffly toward a nail salon across the street. "If you look to your right, you'll see the world-famous Fusion Hair that caters solely to celebrities! Katy Perry gets her nails done here!"

All of the boys laughed at her tour guide impression. "Oooh! Celebrities! Can we see some?"

Maya looked over at Daesung, a hand on her chest to match her shocked expression. "Now, now, Daesung! Celebrities of that  caliber do not just walk amongst the mere mortals!"

He feigned disappointment, pouting. "I want my money back. This is the worst celebrity tour ever!"

"It wasn't a complete loss, Dae. Our tour guide was a super model!" Young Bae consoled him, looking toward Maya and winking. She batted her eyes at him.

"Oh sí, sí, ¡soy un de los modelos más famosos del todo el mundo! ¡No tengo tiempo para personas pequeñas como tú! ¿Pues, quieres mi autografía o no?" she replied in an over-the-top Spanish accent, getting in Daesung's face and flipping her hair. He grinned.

"You speak Spanish!"

"Es verdad. Maya Abril Gutierrez Navarrete, at your service," Maya replied, smiling. She looked over at Jin, who stood close to G-Dragon and T.O.P, the brunette was smiling at her.


Jin had been preoccupied, but the moment she and GD rejoined the conversation, she noticed that Maya was smiling. She was genuinely smiling, laughing, and being...goofy? Jin couldn't remember a time when she had seen her best friend so relaxed around other people. Of course she's relaxed, she's hanging out with the biggest stars in Asia. No big deal or anything.

"What are you thinking about?"

GD's question turned her attention back to him. "Maya looks so happy. It's been a long time since I've seen her like this."

"Is she not usually this way?" Seungri asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. T.O.P stood stoically by his side, but his eyes moved to the Korean girl for the answer.

Jin pursed her lips, not really wanting to tell them anything that Maya wouldn't want them to know. "She just hasn't been like this for a long time. But she's getting better."

"Dae and Tae can put a smile on anyone's face. I'm glad the three of them hit it off so well!" GD replied, smiling. T.O.P's eyes narrowed as they glanced from Jin to Maya, who was...signing Daesung's white shirt with a Sharpie.


OMO, she's touching me. Well she's touching my shirt, but under that shirt is my chest. She smells so good! Daesung smiled, letting the "famous model" finish signing his shirt. Maya was certainly interesting, and full of surprises.

"Thank you so much, Miss Navarrete! I won't ever wash this shirt again!" he screamed, doing his best version of a fanboy. She sighed and waved him away with her hand.

"Next!" she yelled. Daesung looked over at Young Bae, happy that he was wearing a t-shirt (with the sleeves cut off, of course) that had a busy checkerboard pattern; Maya wouldn't be able to sign his shirt.

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