Oh Mom

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Ji Yong

Despite Daesung's intense efforts to cheer Seung Hyun up after the interview, Ji Yong noticed that the glazed-over look never left his eyes. As soon as the team meeting was over, the rapper booked it out to his BMW ActiveHybrid and vanished. Seung Hyun had been silent as he was scolded for "reviving dying gossip" with his answers on the Go Show. Unlike his normal repentant self, the rapper had ground his teeth and averted his gaze the whole time; he didn't apologize once. 

Ji Yong felt waves of remorse wash over him. Young Bae was right, Seung Hyun was hurting, and he decided it was his job to do something about it.

When he finally got back to his apartment that afternoon, Ji Yong flopped on to his bed and pulled out his phone. He needed to make a call.


"I have the popcorn! How are the drinks coming along Unnie?" Jin chirped, walking into her living room with two full bowls of popcorn. She heard Maya's slippers on the hardwood floor and the sound of ice clinking in glasses. They were having a movie night, commemorating their last week of summer vacation ever, both being graduating seniors. The blonde put the glasses on the coffee table just as Jin's phone went off from the kitchen; she sprinted to answer it, but not before noticing how much darker her drink was than her friend's. Jin had Coke with vodka, Maya had vodka with Coke; she had always been a drinker, but her alcohol consumption had skyrocketed the past few months.


"Hi yobo! Is this a bad time? I need to talk to you about something," Ji Yong's apprehensive voice came through the other line, and Jin was instantly worried; aside from text messages, they only called each other at the scheduled times every week, making sure to be free at that specific time. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw Maya staring at her from the couch and mouthed: it's Ji Yong.

The blonde rolled her eyes, shouting: "Hi there Skrillex, we're kinda busy so you'll have to have phone sex another time."

"...That's actually who I needed to talk to you about," he admitted, evidently hearing Maya. Jin giggled.

"We are sort of busy, but what is it?" she confessed. Maya had never been good at waiting.

"Oh, well I'll make it quick then. I was just wondering how Maya was getting on, now...like is she, um how is...because..."

"She's lost about 5 pounds and drinks like a fish, and somehow is working like 70 hours a week," Jin stated quietly, knowing what he was asking.

There was almost palpable relief coming from the other end of the line. "That sounds like Seung Hyun...does she stare off into space often too?...is she being combative?"

She held back a laugh. "Um, Maya is always combative! And not too much, but sometimes."

"Can you do me a favor? Whenever you get the chance, make her watch the most recent Go Show episode. I don't want to keep you any longer, call me tomorrow at our normal time?" Ji Yong asked.

"Is it bad? And of course, I wouldn't miss it! Saranghae oppa!" Jin whispered.

"No, but she needs to hear what he has to say, I think he may be in love with her. But we can definitely discuss this later, nothing to be done about it right this minute anyway! Jeong saranghae, yobo!" Ji Yong professed, hanging up.

Jin wasn't completely surprised; something about them being together just made sense, and the only one who was too reality-based to see it was Maya! Quickly pulling up her Youtube app, Jin typed in "Go Show BigBang" and was stunned when the first thing on the search queue was "Go Show BigBang T.O.P Talks about Girl." Clicking on that, she found a three minute video of Seung Hyun's part of the interview.

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