One Man's Siren is Another Man's Perfect 10

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"So what brings you guys into L.A.?" Jin asked finally. 

The seven of them had become quiet when their food arrived and ate in comfortable silence, but as the meal wound down, conversation picked up again. They ordered another round of drinks.

There was an awkward pause and all of the guys looked at each other. Finally G-Dragon spoke up, using it as an excuse to bump Jin's shoulder with his own. "We have a photo shoot and some fan meetings. We're actually a pretty famous band in Korea."

Jin froze, not knowing how to respond. Her thoughts raced. Should she pretend she never heard of them? Or should she admit to being a fan? That might scare them away. Gah! She really hoped she wasn't dreaming.

Fortunately for her, Maya noticed her inner turmoil and came to her rescue.

"Oh yeah! I thought you looked familiar...Big Bang, right? Jin's had me listen to a few songs, she's a fan."

She snuck a glance at the tall one, who sat across from her in the round booth at the end. He was looking at her, an expression between contempt and agitation on his stony face. The intensity of his gaze was obviously supposed to intimidate her, but Maya was unimpressed. Like some overgrown man-child with mint green hair was going to scare her.

"T.O.P" was a unique looking man, but she wasn't sure if she would call his features handsome or weird; his ears were too big and his prominent eyebrows were quick to show the slightest change of emotion. He looked like some sort of pseudo-hipster alien creature. Regardless, she smiled brightly at him before turning her attention back to the others.

" knew who we were?!" the one with platinum blonde hair, "Daesung", exclaimed, his mouth open as his eyes darted between the two girls. He had been affected by the alcohol a little more than the others, and his face was adorably flushed. He began to shout in Korean, "Do you have any idea how refreshing it is to hear that? I wish all of our fans could be like you two! We could really get to know them then, without the groping and stuff!"

Jin leaned over and translated what he said, and Maya couldn't help but smile at him. Despite being in his twenties, Daesung still seemed so young, and his bubbly charm and bright smile made him easy to like. Maya feigned disappointment. "No groping? Damn. Well Jin, we're not seeing any action tonight, let's go."

Daesung broke out into a fit of giggles and his head fell on to Seungri's shoulder as he tried to muffle them. Young Bae stifled his own laughter, but the longer he looked between Maya and Daesung, who were both cracking up, the harder it was. Soon he was laughing.

Kwon Ji Yong

Ji Yong and Jin had been in their own world for the whole meal, but after hearing Maya's comment about knowing who they were, he secretly became worried. He thought that he and Jin had a real connection. Was she just into him because he was her idol? A poster on her wall? Someone she'd rather get an autograph from than actually get to know?

"Aww...that really hurts! We thought you just liked us 'cuz we're good lookin' guys!" he exclaimed to Jin. She blushed, giggling.

"Oh, no. We like your music, we are keeping you around because you're good looking guys!" Maya retorted. Ji Yong and Young Bae cracked up, quickly relaying her joke to the others. Seungri for the first time that night, smiled at the blonde. Daesung wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and combed his bangs.

"You like it too?" Young Bae asked, smiling in surprise. He ran a hand through his tall black mowhawk nervously when Maya leaned over closer to him and looked him straight in the eye.

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