T.O.P Having a Hickey is the Least of Our Problems

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Maya thought that kissing Seung Hyun would be like kissing an older brother, and she was right; it was like kissing her long-lost Asian brother. He was so damn timid that it all of the sudden occurred to her that he might not want to be kissing her.

"Do you not want to kiss me?"

"No! What?" Seung Hyun asked in confusion. He had thought it was going rather well.

Okay, maybe we just try again, she thought, we just have to relax a little. She ran a hand through his hair, leaning over him, "Your hair looks good like that, parted on the side. Very Gatsby."

He gazed at her for a moment. "You don't remind me of Daisy Baker at all."

"THANK YOU! I take that as a compliment, she was far too weak," Maya retorted, her lips just above his. He smiled, laughing slightly.

"I knew you would. You're more of a Katherina Minola."

She smacked him playfully on the shoulder, pretending to be offended. In reality she understood that he meant it as a compliment. "A Shakespeare fan I see... Well, sir, I am not a shrew! And I don't need taming."

"No you don't...well maybe a little."

"Never mind. I was going to see if you wanted to try that kissing thing again, but not anymore. I'm offended," Maya retorted, crossing her arms and sticking her nose up in the air.

Seung Hyun did the same. "Well you didn't like kissing me anyway."

"If you think you can redeem yourself, you can try again," she explained flippantly, meeting his gaze again, scrunching her eyes shut and puckering her lips at him childishly.

Maya was surprised when he took her up on her offer, but didn't hesitate. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she leaned over him, and was pleasantly surprised when she felt his hands slide up her thighs and stop at her waist. Well we have to walk before we can run, right? She ran a hand through his hair, pulling his head back, biting on his bottom lip.

Seung Hyun pulled her closer, so she ended up kneeling with one leg between his, and gave her an open-mouthed kiss. "Come, come, you wasp, I'faith you are too angry."

Maya giggled at the excellent use of quote, nibbling on his neck. He was a Shakespeare fan. "If I be waspish, best beware my sting."

Ji Yong

"You got in late, for being the night before a concert," Ji Yong commented, rubbing his hands through the shaved side of his head as he wandered into the kitchen. Seung Hyun was already sitting at the breakfast bar drinking black coffee.

"He was at an art gallery with Maya!" Daesung defended from the living room where he sat watching a cooking show. Seungri walked down the stairs, a towel wrapped around his shoulders and his hair soaking wet.

"Yeah, hyung, Seung Hyun was at an art gallery with Maya!" Seungri repeated cutely, smirking. "Maybe he found some really fascinating art."

Ji Yong opened his eyes wide, looking first at the rapper and then at the maknae, then finally at Daesung in the other room. Hyung and Maya? Where had he been?! "You and Barbie? When did this happen?"

Seung Hyun rolled his eyes and adjusted his purple sweatshirt's hood. "After you left Los Angeles for planet Jin."

The younger man jumped on top of the granite counter and through the window on to the breakfast bar with a level of coordination that he didn't know he had so early in the morning. He grabbed the neck of Seung Hyun's hoodie. "HE HAS A HICKEY! OMO! TABI HAS A HICKEY!"

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