Life's Like a Kdrama...Only Wait, No It's Not

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Maya woke up and it was still dark, but her eyes bolted open anyway, realizing that she wasn't on the couch anymore. She was in one of the bedrooms upstairs, and someone was sleeping next to her. Oh my God. Oh my God. Do I want to know who it is? NO! How did it come to this? Weren't they all pretty much passed out? Which one was still sober enough to pull that off?

THE MINTY EMO ONE. She cursed quietly, if T.O.P was sleeping next to her, she was going to smother him with the pillow. He may have been an ass, but he didn't seem like that  sort of guy!

Maybe Maya just was looking for an excuse to kill him. Finally she peeked over at the sleeping form next to her, and breathed a sigh of relief; it was Jin. She was sound asleep and didn't stir when she crept out of bed. 

Maya needed to wash off her makeup and get some water for her Asprin.

Seung Hyun

Finally thinking it was safe, Seung Hyun made his way downstairs at 4 in the morning. He had been up writing lyrics, trying unsuccessfully to drown out the drunken laughter that came from the living room. At 2:30, he had helped Daesung get Seungri, Ji Yong, Young Bae, Jin, and her, upstairs.

Seungri was fine once they got him standing, but Ji Yong had to be carried, along with Jin. She  was a little wobbly on her feet, but managed the stairs with Daesung's help; the two of them spent a good fifteen minutes trying to herd Young Bae (who, in his drunken stupor, thought they were playing tag) upstairs. All five took the two bedrooms closest to each other, leaving the girls their own.

Seung Hyun reveled in the peace and quiet, taking the time to sit at the breakfast bar and watch the world news on his laptop, maybe he could even read a little, before someone disturbed him. Unfortunately, the moment he picked up the novel, he heard light footsteps on the stairs. The rapper sighed, sticking his face in the pages.


The moment Maya got halfway down the stairs, she saw him. He was sitting on the stool by the island reading the same book she had seen him with before. Sighing, she soldiered on, walking into the kitchen without acknowledging him; remembering what Daesung had said the night before, Maya looked in one of the overhanging cabinets and found an array of cereal. She grabbed the Fruit Loops as quietly as she could.

"Those are mine."

His deep voice startled her, and she paused with her hand on the box. Really? The god damn cereal's yours. Okay. Maya was not the type of person to be intimidated, despite T.O.P's best efforts, and she met his eyes, unwavering. "Oh? That's nice."

She continued with her mission, getting a bowl and pouring the cereal in it. After she put the milk back in the fridge, she took her bowl and walked out of the kitchen, whispering over her shoulder as sweetly as she could, "Thanks for the cereal!"

Seung Hyun

She was officially the most infuriating woman he had ever come in contact with; even the worst sitcom heroines could not hold a candle to her, Seung Hyun thought. He had watched her take his cereal into the dining room. The penthouse fell silent once again. One thing that the rapper had noticed about Maya, was that she had large tattoos on her wrists. One looked like a stylized cross, the other like an eye. Stupid. No guy with any class wanted a girl like that. Between her language, temperament, and tattoos, she might as well be part of a local gang.

If he was being honest with himself (which he wasn't), Seung Hyun would have admitted that he had no problem with tattoos, or girls with tattoos. But it was her, and her tattoos.

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