Maybe Some of Our Lives are like Kdramas, Others More like Awkward Telenovelas

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A/N: The full name of this chapter is: "Okay, So Maybe Some of Our Lives are like KDramas...But Others are Sometimes More like Awkward Telenovelas."


Daesung, Seungri, and Young Bae finally dragged themselves out of bed by 10 am, slowly making their way down to the kitchen. The sunlight was already pouring in through the big bay windows.

"Are they still talking?" Seungri asked without feeling, stirring his coffee. They sat at the breakfast bar. Daesung wandered over to the counter, pouring himself some coffee from the pot.

"Yeah. I peeked in there, and I can't even understand them anymore...they're not speaking English, they've devolved into some language of abstract foreign art makes my head hurt," Daesung explained wearily.

Seung Hyun

"Really? I read that it was a nonsensical word that was made up to reflect the irrationality of the movement!"

Maya smacked her hands on her thighs in exasperation, her eyes wide. "It originates from the Romanian artists Tristan Tzara's and Marcel Janco's frequent use of the phrase 'da, da,' meaning 'yes, yes' in Romanian."

"That makes sense. Have you ever read Tzara's magazine Dada? It's astounding. He was a genius!" Seung Hyun exclaimed. Nobody knew about the Dada movement, let alone understood it. Maya was the first person he had met (outside of the art galleries he frequented) who seemed almost as enamored with it as he was.

"No, the class I took focused more on the politics surrounding the movement and the rise of liberalism," Maya replied disappointedly, "Not that that wasn't interesting in it's own way."

Their discussion had started with Seung Hyun desperate to keep the amount of awkwardness to a minimum, but it seemed like once she accepted someone, Maya was easy to talk to. Information about art poured out of her like she was a textbook...who knew that Malibu Barbie had a nerdy side?

Young Bae

Young Bae didn't want to use the word "jealous," it had such a negative connotation, and he loved Seung Hyun hyung. But the older member was taking up precious "Maya time" that he could be using! He decided it was time to break up their little seminar.

"Hey guys! Good morning!"

Seung Hyun and Maya looked up at him and smiled, his hyung moving away from her immediately, just like Young Bae knew he would.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" Maya joked, noting his dark circles.

"Not nearly as good as you, apparently. You L.A girls were born to party, huh?" Young Bae shot back playfully.

She smiled, winking at him. "Don't stereotype, it's rude."

Maya's phone buzzed on the glass coffee table, and she answered it. Young Bae heard a panicked voice from the other side, and saw the blonde's expression darken.

"Pero, pero, ¡estoy de vacaciones esta semana! ¡No tengo tiempo para bailar! ¿No puedes llamar a Anita? Ella sabe cómo hacer la rutina."

..."Ya, ya, vale. Te veo a las dos, ya, ya, besos."

She groaned, hanging up. "I have to go do this thing tonight."

"Oooh, what kinda thing?" Young Bae asked with interest, sitting down next to her.

"It's a Latin American culture festival that happens once a week at Venice Beach. I wasn't supposed to have to dance this week, but the other girl sprained her ankle so I have to step in tonight," Maya explained, running her hands through her hair. "I might not look it, but I'm half Mexican. Well Spanish but my dad's family migrated to Mexico."

California Girls (#1) [BigBang Fanfiction]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon