Everyone Can Use a Little Rescuing (part I)

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"And you should have seen the shopkeepers, Maya! They were so jealous! And, and he kept holding my hand, and, and the face he made when he called me beautiful! Maya! I wish you would have been there!"

Maya pursed her lips at the last part. "Nahhh, third-wheel isn't my style. But I'm so glad you had such a great time. Ji Yong really knows how to treat a lady...who knew Skrillex had it in 'im!"

"You know what I mean! With Taeyang! We should double date some time! Did you two have time to talk at all yesterday morning? I saw you were up before...us," Jin exclaimed, perusing the wallets in the glass covered case. Maya was at work.

"What were you two doing for so long...in the same bedroom?" Maya asked innocently, fixing the pillows on the white leather couch.

Jin narrowed her eyes. "I didn't sleep with him. We barely got to second base. Lots of cuddles! Oh Maya, who knew that he was---"

"---n't a completely self-absorbed tool along the lines of Justin Bieber? Not me, but I'm very happy that he's not---for your sake," Maya finished grinning at her friend. She was happy, albeit surprised, that they didn't sleep together, it seemed like he really could be thinking long-term with Jin.

"YOU ARE HORRIBLE! And don't bring your beef with Justin Bieber into this...But wait. Did I just hear what I think I heard? Maya Navarrete approved of one of my boyfriends?!" she retorted playfully, acting shocked.

Maya straightened her pencil skirt. "Ha-ha, I just think you guys look really cute together. And you know if he treats you wrong I'll beat the shit out of his scrawny ass. Right?"

Jin smiled knowingly, "...and you're back. I thought you went all soft on me for a minute! But really, what did you do while we were upstairs?"

"I talked to Seung Hyun," Maya replied airily, greeting some obvious tourists (they wouldn't really buy anything). It took a moment for Jin to realize who she was talking about, "And I did notice you use the term boyfriend."

"Why do you call T.O.P Seung Hyun, and G-Dragon GD or Ji Yong?" Jin asked as an after-thought. Then she grinned, blushing, "He sort of asked me. Not outright, but when he introduced me to the shopkeeper he called me his girlfriend!"

Maya raised an eyebrow, giving her friend a face that could only be described as: isn't it obvious? "Because referring to grown men that I have been in close proximity with for four days, as 'G-Dragon' and 'T.O.P' makes me uncomfortable. But wow, that escalated quickly, then again, you don't giggle like an idiot for just anyone."

Jin laughed, a laugh that can only be created by someone carefree and totally infatuated. "I was not giggling like an idiot! Wait... you just sat and talked to the Bingu? Why? For how long?"

Maya rolled her eyes, frowning cutely. "He definitely doesn't vibe stupid to me. And because he happens to know really a lot about art and is a very progressive thinker. He's just hella awkward. Like I've never met a person more awkward before. How can you be awkward just sitting on a couch?"

"Oh ew! Ma-ya! Really? You're hanging out with the most famous kpop band in the world and all you can manage is to talk about politics?" Jin asked incredulously.

"Well he apologized for being an asshole, and we ended up watching El Labrinto del Fauno. That turned into a discussion about Guillermo del Toro, which turned into a discussion about art! Excuse me for being an intellectual!" she replied, fixing a dress on a hanger. It had been really nice to talk to a fellow art-lover.

"Wow, okay. So T.O.P's a secret genius, who knew?" Jin joked, happy that he actually took her advice. She noted the minor change in her friend when she talked about T.O.P, and was intrigued...NO WAY! NO F-ING WAY! "Well it sure will be boring without them tonight."

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