+Last Breath+

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(Now playing//Don't forget- Ikon)

It's been 1 year since I started to work with JYP artists. Got7 is my favorite to work with since I'm close to all the members especially Mark and Jackson. Day6 is fun too I'm close with Young K and Jae they can be headass when their together. Sumin is very polite. They are the only ones I've met so far. And I've came to a conclusion that basically everyone in JYP are crackheads.

I was getting ready to get on the elevator when my favorite headasses got on with me
"Hey koala how you been" -Jackson asked; yeah that's the nickname he gave me-
"Hey sugabear and I've been okay, you?"
-and that's the nickname you gave to Jackson his other nickname was jack-
"Heyyy markiephoo how are you?"
"Good,ready to touch our beautiful faces" -Mark said teasing you-

"I'd rather see a donkey" -you said teasing them-
"HEY!" -Jackson said out loud and we all giggled-

"Where did you guys go?" -you asked them-
"We just came back from eating" -Jackson said handing you some food-
"I love you guys so much" -you said-
"How's my beautiful daughter?" -Jackson asked about my child-
"My child first of all mister and she's great her teeth are growing in and she is trying to walk." -you said going on and on-
"She's already 1 year old and 2 months old" -Mark said; we all signed seeing how fast time is going-

Realizing she's going to be in high school before we know it. She's going to have a lover and is going to be a great person when she grows older.

It also may be hard since she's not going to be having her two parents by her side.
I hope she learns well though.
You cleared your thoughts as soon as the elevator doors open.

We walked to room 5 where the rest of the got7 members were at they all were ready to film the music video. Jackson took your big makeup box and Mark helped him. Since they took everything you didn't have anything to take so you decided to helped the fashion department with the clothes that Got7 have to wear for their m/v's.

Everyone got their things and went to where they had to go. Every member was going to do their solo song then we're going to do the main track.

We started with the youngest to the oldest.

All the older members were sleeping or eating getting enough sleep for later while the younger ones prepared to film.

(Now playing//
The order of the guys were

When they all finished it was 5:04 a.m., the next day. We all took a hour break and got ready to record 'Lullaby'

(Now playing// Universe~ EXO)

Everyone slept or ate. It was all quite. You decided to get a little sleep as well but then you heard 'EVERYONE. EVERYONE. GET UP. WE NEED TO FILM AGAIN.' One of the directors yelled out.
'It's been an hour?' You thought to your self.

Everyone got up and got ready, it's going to be hard to Focus since I haven't slept or ate.

Got7 got into their outfits then came to the hair & makeup department. As soon as we were done they immediately got in their spot and began the shoot.

Everything went smoothly and I didn't get to sleep, good thing is today is my off day.

It was 11:49 a.m. they got done a few hours earlier then expected. We got packed to go where we had to go. I signed out and walked home. Jackson offered me a ride but he must be tired so I let him sleep.

As I walked home I realized that the most littlest things affect me. I have to see my daughter go to elementary, middle, and high school. And hopefully college. She's going to be 5 then 15 then 20 years old next thing you know she going to be 80 and seeing her grandkids as well.

Her little smile is just like her dads. And her laugh can light up any room. She has a lot of her dads facial features.

She has medium size eyes, which come from her dads. She has thickish lips which come from me. Her face is round and her ears are like Chanyeol's. She resembles us a lot.

The fans have been supportive but they think chanyeol should take full custody but they don't know the whole story.

I started to slowly cry feeling sad all of a sudden. I bottle a lot of emotions up because I don't like to show myself to certain people.

I tried to stopped at a cross walk but my body didn't want to so I continued to walk. Then all I heard were screeching from cars and honks.

I looking around and saw a truck coming my way fast. My mind wasn't working, I-I-I stoped w-w-wor-king and I couldn't mo-m-move.

I thought of two people; i wish they could hear me. Before the truck slammed into me I said

My body laid helplessly on the floor. People came to me and just looked at me like some creature. I heard his voice. I wanted him to tell me I was going to be okay. I wanted him to hug and kiss me one last time.

I just wanted us to hug like a family and take a photo; Park Chamyeol and Park Yoon-hyan were all I wanted to have in that photo.....

I raised my Head and looked over at what had hit me the view was horrible....

I wasn't as strong as I was, should I give up here?

Everything was slowly becoming faded and the lights started to flash

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Everything was slowly becoming faded and the lights started to flash. I heard people tell me to 'stay awake' and sirens in the distance.

I heard one specific voice come and shake my body.
''Y/N!! Y/N!! Stay awake! Keep your beautiful eyes up, honey!''

"Look at me Y/N! Remember me? We have a child and she's 1. You won't leave us right." -Chanyeol said trying to keep you up but everything was getting blurry-

"Chan-'' -you said weakly-

Four guys were standing over Chanyeol looking worried. You recognized them
"Sehun, Baekhyun, kai, D-'' -you said even weaker-

Blood was slowly coming out my mouth and head.

My body was getting cold slowly by slowly.

'Will this be my last breath? Is this how I go out? I hope my little girl can grow up and be amazing. I did a horrible job, I hope you can forgive me'. You thought

"Chanyeol...., te-tell Yoon-hyan I love her with all my heart...., and tell her...., do great in schoo-....., I love you so mu- I love y-....., tell the JYP arti-....., I love the-....., thank them fo-...., I love you hon-....,''

I closed my eyes and took one last breath.

I only tasted blood.

I felt drops of water on my stomach area. Then I heard one last thing

'Please remember me! I love———'

Everything went pitch black...

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