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You felt hands pulling into your bed. And pulling at your waist trying to get comfortable.
"I knew your awake."
"How did you know?"
"I saw you flinch when I grabbed your waist"
"Oh"- you said slowly turning around to face him.
"I need to tell you something."
"Mkay wHaT is it?"
"So I got another maid for a helping hand."
"Okay. What's her name? How old is she? When is she coming?"
"Damn wang to know her social security number as well?"-chanyeol said while laughing
"So Her name is Sumi, she's 25, and she's coming tomorrow"
"Okay and she's young but I'm still the youngest"- giving him a small pout.
"You will always be the youngest. Get so sleep"
"Okay goodnight Yeol."
"Ima be at work when Sumi comes so show her around and tell her what I told you when you first came."-Yeol said while running down the stairs to the kitchen
"Okay. Your going to be late.GO GO GO. Bye be careful"- you told him while he went in for a hug.
"Love you"
You were cleaning the living room when you heard a knock.

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