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You went two days without talking to Chanyeol, and he also kicked Dara out and told her to never come back. You were looking for a new job and he always stopped me.
——It was currently morning———
"I need to talk to you." -chanyeol said entering the kitchen in his pjs-
"Hum?" -you just say ignoring his presence-
"I'm going on a road trip with the guys....and...." -chanyeol said not completing your sentence-
"And?????!" -you said annoyed-
"I don't trust you alone so your coming, no excuses. We're leaving tomorrow at 6 for 5 days. Get ready." -and he left the kitchen with that last sentence-
Why doesn't he trust me?? I'm not his responsibility!! You thought, annoyed.
I guess i HAVE to go. You went to pack some things and were done it was barely anything.
"I'll be home around 5 with the rest of the guys. Be ready and have food. Thanks bab- th-thanks." -he said leaving for dance practice-
You cleaned the house and made the food by then it was already 4 so you had time to rest and you took your and Chan's bags to the door so they could stay there until it was time to come. After awhile I heard deep voices and the door swing open.
"Y-NNNNNNNN....WERE HERE COM-oh your here you ready?" -Yeol said while he took the bags to the bus they rented-
"Hey yNNNNNNNNN" -someone yelled while getting out of Chanyeol's house-
"Hey beak, how are you." -you asked locking the door and walking towards him-
"GREAT." -and he left me, k. He ran to the bus and sat in the first seats-
There was three seats in one row you got parried with Chanyeol and Kai. Chan sat by the window you were in between them. Kai was talking to you when he put his hand on your upper thigh so close to your womanhood.
"Uhhh kai....Your hand." -Chanyeol said pick Kaia's hand off of your thigh-
"She liked it though" -you stopped hearing the rest of his sentence by putting in earbuds and ignoring everyone-
You got lost in your thoughts and wondered what if your life was different...

•His maid•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang