Chapter 11 - Homunculus

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"At least he didn't dislike you." I pointed, interrupting him and he twitched.

"Tch, whatever." He scoffed and looked away with no words to say in return.

I chuckled softly at the barely visible blush on his face and motioned for him to follow me. Kyran was still hesitant about the changes in his life but I could tell that he was happy with his freedom and the attention he got from me. And he was happy about the way he had been treated by the curious kid moments ago.

"Okay....we're supposed to find the gang robbing this city on the nights of every new moon. So where do we start?" I mused more to myself while we walked through the city streets.

"Maybe we should ask around about the robbers – especially the people who have been robbed by them." Kyran suggested.

"That's a good idea. I remember Col. Mustang saying that they're targeting the government institutions – the administration office, the command post, the hospital and the school. We should ask around there first. And then we can – wait, is that Edward and Alphonse?"

I stopped walking when I spotted the two of them just down the street we were walking through. Edward was frowning, well more like sulking actually, and Alphonse was walking next to him. Alphonse was the first to spot me and he waved as he called out to me cheerfully.

"Kiana Onee san!"

"Oh? It is Onee san. What are you doing here?" Edward asked when we were just a few feet away.

"I could as you the same thing." I said with a smile. "Col. Mustang sent me here to investigate the 'new moon' robbery case."

"Col. Mustang sent you? I thought you worked for Col. come the colonel didn't tell me you were coming here to work on the same case?" Edward said with a small frown.

"I see you haven't been staying very much informed. I was transferred under Col. Mustang only recently, after my last mission." I mused. "And you were sent here to see through the same mission? Looks like we'll be working together for a while! We have a lot of catching up to do since we haven't met for more than a month now."

"It's nice to see you after so long, Onee san! How have things been for you in the military?" Alphonse asked.

"Working for the military has been fine....although, I haven't had much luck in finding any information that could help me go home." I said in mild disappointment. "Well, Col. Archer hadn't sent me on any real missions before so I was stuck in Central most of the time. I ransacked the whole library there but didn't find anything useful. Now that I'll be travelling around more under Col. Mustang's orders, I'm hoping I won't return empty handed."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find something soon." Edward said with a grin and finally glanced at Kyran who was standing silently next to me. "By the way, who is he?"

"Oh, this is Kyran – a Wolf Chimera. I met him on my previous mission and now we work together as partners. Kyran, these two brothers are Edward and Alphonse Elric. Edward is a State Alchemist too. His title is Fullmetal." I introduced both sides.

"It is nice to meet you, Alphonse san and Fullmetal san." Kyran greeted and I bit my lip to hold in a chuckle as Edward's brow twitched at the expected greeting.

"This is Edward, Kyran, the elder brother and the Fullmetal Alchemist." I said while pointing to him.

"He's the elder brother?" Kyran asked curiously. "But his height...."

"Oi, who are you calling a shorty who can't be seen without a magnifying glass?!!" Edward roared and held up a trembling fist to threaten Kyran that he would punch him. Unlike how any other person would have reacted to Edward's height complex, Kyran flinched and stepped back with a flash of fright in his eyes. His ears drooped and his tail was between his legs as he cowered, even stepping behind me for some sort of reassurance that he wouldn't get hurt.

Substitute Alchemist - Bleach X FMA Crossover [HAITUS]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن