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We stepped out o the airport into the cool moist air of Salt Lake City. I just had some moving company send my stuff to Londond's house and my car's coming tommorow. But for now im helping Alex pack up all oif his stuff. Then we pack it into cars and were driving up to Minnesota. St.Cloud is supposedly some perfect place in the middle of the state and the eight largest city. We only have 6 days to get everything there and find a goodish place, which London says he knows the perfect apartments. But on the seventh day Alex is leaving for a UK tour for a week. It sounds enterestig ,but not as enteresting as Europe. It's sad the only female friend ive had was Teddy and now shes about to go to college somewhere and im going around the world. 

"CAn we all just get really drunk tonights?" Dan asked " If we finish sure" Alex laughed " You suck so many dick, leaving us for a chick." "So, youd rather lay iaround and eat pizza togeather than have a beautiful girlfriend ruunning around with you?" he pulled me closer to him. " He gets more pussy than you" " oh gosh here we go" " shut up and get in the car." " how are all six of us fitting in this little car?" "gosh you've never herd of lapping up?" "yeah, but srn''t there cops around here?" " theres so many drug deals theyre not worried about us." " what  charming city."  "where exactlydid you grow up?" " Washington." "Let e guess, only child, big house, got everything you wanted for Christmas." " No, ive only had one real Christmas in my life and that was last year." " Daddy to busy at the country club?" I hit Alex's shoulder "you told them" " It kinda slipped out" I groaned. "So you didn't tell us you were rich why.." " because." " Just cause you've got mmoney doesn't mean i wont kick your ass over a chick wing or try to squeese your tits." " Only I can do that" Alex added placed his hands on my boobs. 

"Really?" " Feel free to grab my dick"  "im good." He pulled up and stopped outside of a bar. "fuck yeah, Mc.Greggors." I waited until ALex got out and we followed Jaek inside. There was around twenty people inside at booths drinking. Everyone took seats at the stools by the bar, I sat down and Alex wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Rob a round of shorts," someone requested. " I need to see the ladys id." I went through my walet and handed it to him." " I can't accept this is obviously fake. You don''t look 5 9" " oh stop fucking with her she looks scared." someone behind him cleaning glasses said. He handed it back and passed out drinks. " you two littl fags are driving." Dans said taking down the clear liquid. 

I turned off the light to his apartment and closed the locked door. "He down?" Alex yelled from the top level.  "Yeah!" I walked out to the car and he joined me a few minutes later."We have a lot of work ahead of us." "I know babe." he gave me a quick kiss and put in a cd.

We got to a lot of brown apartments, and he parked infront of one of the buildings. "come on" I got out and followed him up to the second level. He opened up the door and a large brown and white dog ran out and it scared me a bit. It started growling so I ran down the stairs and it chase me on top of the brick wall. "Get your ass back here" he yelled and came down grabbing the college of the dog. "Is it gonna kill me?" "No, you just can't act scared." " Well its a scary dog." "Come on" He tugged the dog up the stairs and I followed behind.

Inside the apartment was a tanned carpet, I closed the door and the dog walked over to me. "Alex" " You're fine don't act scared." "His teeth a pretty" "Damnit dog. " it snapped at me and I fell back on the carpet. He grabbed the collar and led it to the cage spanking it on the bum before it went in. "Im sorry babe, he'll warm up to you." " Okay." he grabbed a box and walked down the hallway. "You can chill most of the stuff came with the place." "Okay."

I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone "Hey"  "I miss you guys already" "bae, you need to hurry." " We should be there by the end of tommorow." "I bought you these apple cider donuts, oh and you need to meet my girlfriend." "Is she like you?" " my twin" "We will be friends I need a girl friend" "Yes, she wants to meet you." "I can't wait." "Were gonna go cuddle." "Okay, bye bae" "bye."

I immediately called my other group of guys "Hey" "You just couldn't stay away could you?" Chris's smug voice said. "Oh fak you, what are you doing." " At Ange's house we just ate." "His moms spaghetti is god" " hah what we just had." "Im jelous she cooks so well." "You're so grammatically correct." " Yas." "What are you doing" "sitting on Alex's couch while hes packing. " "When are you coming back to pack?" "I hired people to do it, so we can find a place before he leaves" " where?" "UK" "Oh cool, in about two weeks were going again." "Awe you guys" " You going anytime soon?" "Europe in two weeks for a month." "Youre so lucky" "you get delicious spaghetti"

"I wish you would come back for a while." "Im sorry aftee everything is settled you're free to visit anytime." "Its a bit far but ill make sure it happens." "good, my little fegs are spreading their legs and flying away." " What the fuck?" "Shhhh, I need a drink." "you gonna drunk dial me?" "No, I gotta drive tommorow im not getting drunk. I just need wine." "Whats your obsession with wine?" "its delicious.Alex im going to the store!" "okay, will you pick up dinner?" "Yeah, what do you want?" "Anything with meat." "okay." I grabbed his keys and stepped out of the door.

"Chris!" " What?" "the winter is coming" "Thats why you need to come back ao we can olay in the snow and walk down the street sipping Thompson's hot chocolate" " Im gonna miss Scranton." "It sucks you gotta move." "Keep it a secret but im keeping my old apartment" "What why?" "So ill have a reason to come back home and when I do I wont have to live with my mom." "You suck im trying to find a place." " feel free ti like er there." "ehh, its me and Ryan." "I don't mind there's two bedrooms if I come ill get a blow up matress on make you share" " I wouldnt mind" " Okay we pay rent?" "split it three ways" "how much is that a month?" "half of the price of a pair of fab boots" "200?" "150" "fucking platform boots" I got out and went into the liquor store.

"where are you?" "A liquor store" he groaned "you're so straight edge" "got the tattoo to prove it" "I need a tattoo" "Wait until I can go with you" "We should get tattooed togeather." I picked up a dark bottle and set it on the counter with my Id. "I want a chest piece, my legs, my hips, and my arms." " Ehhh not full sleeves you dont have the face. " " Ill tattoo your name on my forehead." " ew" " How am I taking tattoo advise from a guy that messed up his arm." " Im gonna get ut filled in with more random shit, but I mean I have thw most. Im gonna get my neck done in  few years." " You're old enough to buy liquor." "TJ always encourages me to buy him some but I think he figured out I wouldn't." " Live a little have a shot." " no, my body's too sexy for that"

"guess what?" he added "What?" "Were doing a photo shoot tommorow" "awe." "No" " Yes, its gonna be so cute." I pulled around the Taco bell drive through."Yea its all sort of exciting, we've kinda blown up in yhe last three months." "you really have, im so proud." "Thanks, Do me a favor before you're too famous for me" "anything." "have all of my fegs sign your new album and send it to me." "for the low price of 17 dollars sold." " how am I supposed to pay you and they were only 15 at All Stars" " we need sharpies." " Ill make a care pack." "I loved the ones you gave us." "well I love you guys youre like the annoying brothers I never wanted."

"Well how are you and Ryan?" "I um forgave him and we still havent talked." "Well his gonna sleep in your bed probably" "I don't care he did for 9 months." "So you don't hate him" "no, but don't tell Alex.He'll get mad." " Okay, im gonna go to sleep." "Okay, good night." " Love you night" " Love you too." I opened the door and Alex was right there petting his dog. "Who was that?" "A friend." "Well come in." He wrapped me in his arms. I didn't know that this was gonna be one of the last times I felt this way with him.

*Authors Note: I don't want a really long story, and it  seems if I do two everything will flow better. Im sorry for the dull parts in the story.But I love you guys! And watch for the next book I should have it up in the next few days c:*

*The first chapter of the second book is now up! go check it out*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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