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As the plane jerked me around freely in my seat I started to wake up with a faint headache. "Good were here" my mom whispered looking down. I groaned and sat up fixing my hair a bit and clicking the table tray up. All I saw out of the window were other planes and people waiting to board them.Other than that a large body of water surrounding the awkwardly shaped piece of land. They opened the door and we started to file into a line getting out. We walked down the carpeted ramp and onto luggage claim. "You suck" Devin said bumping me "Why?" " The whole way here my mom decided it would be a good time to talk about my personal life" "Maybe she found one of the pictures of you in panties." "No, that would be easier than talking for 20 minutes about how pulling out isn't safe.And you just slept when I needed you." "I'm sorry I'll make it up to you." I grabbed my black and white stripped suitcase off the moving carousel and sat it next to me. "Ugh your mom rented cars.So you let me drive?" "As long as you don't kill me" I grabbed the second matching bag and set in near me ans Devin grabbed one of his.

"How about when we get done we just go sleep I'm tired" " I could go for a nap" "You sleep almost all day on weekends" "Exactly." he grabbed his second bag and we walked out past the sliding doors into the cool moist air. " Here honey" She handed me a key and stepped into the silver car ahead of an empty black one. I handed it to Devin and waited for him to open the truck so I could play Tetris with the bags. They finnally fit and I got in the passenger seat and turned on the radio. "Whats the name again?""Best Western" " Canadians when will they learn they're not american" "We're where Justin Bieber's from" "Why Canada?" " I like leaves." He groaned and we followed them the whole way there it was a pretty large building with little patios hanging off of the sides.

He parked the car and we drug the suitcases behind us "Okay Devin our rooms a little bit away from Vidalia's." his mothers polite tone informed. "But mom please no, I'll sleep on the roof" " Whats so bad about sharing a room? There's seperate beds" "You snore so loud. And were friends nothings going to happen I swear on her cat." " Dont swear on midnight" I complained " The other one's a fag so it's not important." Other mothers looked at each other and it's that kind of telepathy thing where we can't understand them. But its perfect english to all other mothers." His mom handed him the key and started "clothes on at all times, not in each others beds, no showering togeather or watching, and if you do anything I will know" we shook our heads in understandement. My mum kissed my head and we ran down the hall until we found the room corresponding room number from they key card tag. As soon as the door opened I ran and jumped on the farthest bed. "Well that's pretty much claimed" he said closing the door and sitting on his. I took out my phone and dialed the number ,but it went to voice mail. Actually everyones did I even called twice on most of them. Ugh thanks guys. "Awe Ryan not answering?" Devin's sympathetic voice accused. "none of them" " We'll they're probably eating just call back later." yeah probably they've never ignored my calls or anything.I went through the smaller suitcase until I found a pair of basketball shorts I stole from TJ a while ago. We were all having a chill day at Angelos house and my sweatpants were dirty so TJ brought me a pair and they're so comfy.

I walked to the bed and got under the perfectly made sheets and pulled off my pants kicking them to the ground and slid on the shorts. "Can we just relax today I don't wanna go exploring" "sure, technically it's still your last day of school" "good, night Devin" "I'll see you in a few hours" I took the second pillow and put it next to me so I could cuddle up to it. I might not miss me and Ryan fighting ,but the cuddles were great. But then I herd an extremely recognizable beat "Damnit Devin turn off Marilyn Manson." he turned it down a bit, but I could still hear it faintly until I went back to sleep.

"Wake up Wake up. This is no hallucination" I immediately hit the answer button "Hello?" "Hey you call me?" Josh's perky voice echoed through my phone. " Yeah, none of you like to anwser you phones." " We were um busy" "okay tell Ryan to call me." "okay text me." " bye Joshy" "bye boo." he hung up and a few seconds later my phone was ringing again. "Hey" " Hey Baby" " What's up?" "At Rick's house with bb guns" "Be safe" "I am I've only got shot  twice." "Shoot Josh in the bum for me" "okay, what are you doing?" "I just woke up" "You sleep too much" "eh debatable" " how is it over there?" "cold and humid not to mention everyone looks so happy its gonna get on my nerves." " Fucking Canada" "yeah, I feel a bit of regret" "Not too late I mean we have a while before we leave and I wanna patch stuff up before I'm gone" "No, cause I can't be mad at u when we're face to face you pull all of this cute stuff and I give in." "so you slapping me isn't you mad" "No thats me pissed. Mad is where I want to stab someone." "I volunteer TJ" "be nice he has feelings too." "We'll at least you don't get stuf with some poser band called Black Veil Brides." "How bad are they?" "a bunch of scene kids, the girl's not to bad" "Isn't this why were fighting now?" "Calm down shes not my type anyways, she has a girlfriend" " Good." "Don't worry your mine and the only one thats mine" "So the little Blondie?" "She's been gone.I don't want anything to ruin us babe" "Same here, I still wanna grab your ass when you get back" "Your ass fetish is wierd" "i'm surprised your not used to it" " No i'm not used to you running around slapping my ass. Or squeesing my butt when were cuddling." " Ugh a month and a half with no cuddles" "I'll work something out, but if you and Devin are gonna even sit on the same beds.You better be in some fucking sweat pants and a baggy shirt. Nothing that could get him hard." "eww" "Well you two are close and we're not gonna see each other for a while" "Ugh stop reminding me I want that time to pass as quickly as possible" "Me too, You could always follow us and sleep in your car. Im sure you'd get more room there" "Eh touring life's your thing." "And so are you." "Ryan" "Fine, I miss you and you need to come back" "ive only been gone 3 hours" "seven" " So its like 12?" "yeah, And no I'm not tired or going to bed yet." " I wasn't gonna lecture you" "I love you baby" "What?" "So I figured its only a five hour drive.And I didn't get to say goodbye." "Ryan I'm not driving two and a half hours" "But Babe I miss you" "You too ,but  Devin's driving the whole trip and were doing stuff tommorow so i'm not gonna have five hours to just sit in a car." "But I love you." " I love you too ,but it's not happening." " I'll persuade you some how" " good luck" "I will I want one last kiss" "I do too.But maybe if we wern't fight we could have we had a little while we could have spent togeather" " I know I regret it" "Me too" "We'll what are you doing?" "Um being hungry I should probably eat" "yeah, your too skinny it worries me" "Dont be" "Your like 120 pounds and have a coffee addiction" "what? I drink what two or three cups a day its not an addiction" "I shouldn't have said anything" "We'll if I have a coffee addiction lets talk about your smoking addiction" "I'm not addicted what the fuck" "you get to be a little jerk when you don't smoke and I'm pretty sure if you went a week without smoking you'd trade me for half of one" "I wouldn't, and its not even like that.  I smoke cause im pissed" " So how many have you smoke today?" "three but, it's different" "how about you not call me a coffee addict" " What you bit me because I threw yours away" " I was pissed and it was like half full and I didnt even break the skin" "you fucking bit me over a drink" "Can we not?" "No just because I Can back it up you dont wanna talk" "I don't wanna fight.I miss you." "I miss you too you little addict" "fuck you." I hung up and threw the phone.

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