Trade Secrets

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I got to have my slow morning wake up. You know the ones where you open your eyes, stretch, and get to just lay there before your day starts. It gave me time to think over the dramatic day I had yesterday and what he said when he though I was sleep. Is he really falling in love with me? I admit I really like him probably more than anyone besides my mom and cats with the rest not far behind. But I feel that spark between us, and this relationship will be great. I rolled over and put my phone on the charger. 10:37 I get breakfast yay, After sliding on my slippers I ran down to the kitchen where a plate of food was waiting and my mom was already eating. "Hey Sweetie" her lovely high pitched voice greeted. "Hello mom" I said in reply. I grabbed the fork and took a bite of the golden crispy hash browns.   "So, How'd it go last night?" "good" "I saw you and your boyfriend getting real cozy" " yeah, I guess" "Now I might have a shot at grandkids" "MOM!" I yelled. "What I just want to see them before I die." "Youre not even 40 yet" "I had you when I was 22 Im expecting some before im fifty" "What if Im lonely and don't want kids in 10 years" "No your sexy youll have someone" she winked.  I groaned and poured myself a cup of coffee, adding in sugar and vanilla creamer.

"So what do you want to do when you get out of high school?" "Online College and get a car." "Then?" "I want to work for a record company. I want to be able to help get music out there even if as a receptionist." " That seems like great idea , but dont wander to much from home." "I'll always come back " I said giving her a hug from behind. "Gosh you're all grown up" "yeah." I finished and placed the empty cup in the sink. "What do you want to do today?"she asked "I have no idea" "Fine I'm gonna nap." I walked back up stairs to my room and cuddled up to my blankets. So warm and soft I grabbed my phone and checked two new messages.

Josh: Hey

Me: Hey boo

Josh: stfu

Me: lol

Josh: What are you doing?

Me: In a mountain of soft blankets and pillows, you?

Josh: On my way to your house

Me: Why?

Josh: Because, we're going to a movie

Me: But Josh I need to get ready

Josh: stop texting me then I'll be there in 5.

I threw my phone down and quickly changes my clothes brushing my bangs to the left and doing a quick spritz of perfume. Shit where's my vans I dug around until I found them in the bottom of my closet. I pulled them on, ran down the stairs and looked out the glass section next to the window. There was a small black car in front with some people in it. "Mom I'm going to a movie"I called "Ok, be safe." I walked out shoving my keys and wallet in my purse. I walked around and got in the backseat. "Hey babe" Ryan said giving me a quick kiss.  "Hey" "Vidilia this is my babe Alex" a girl with long black hair in the front seat turned around "Hey" "Hey, nice to meet you" " Same" "Wait where are we going?" I asked as we had passed the movie theater. "We are going to see the penguines" Josh said looking in the mirror "Oh my gosh they're so cute.I love zoo's" "Oh no honey the Pittsburg Penguines" "Football?" "Fucking hockey were going to see a game" "oh, Im a bit slow." " Ya think?" he gave the parking keeper his ticket and he punched it and gave it back." "Im sure you'll like it" He pulled in next to another large car ,but I saw a few familiar people get out. I slid out after Ryan and he walked over to the car. "Hey guys" he said "Shut up." We started walking in and I felt even colder ,apparently wearing a thin leather jacket doesn't help when your in zero degree weather. I walked over and pulled on the oversized sweater sleeve "Chris" "What's wrong?" "Im cold as fuck where can I buy a jacket?" "Come on"I followed his lead halfway around the stadium to a little shop. I picked up a small one with a cute little penguin on the front that looked like a snug fit. "No, No, no. Here" he handed me a bigger one with a similar design.  "Why so big ?" "It'll keep you warmer now hurry up." I took it to the counter along with a hat and paid for it and slid them on. "You walk too slow, get on" he bent down and I jumped in his back. "Why are you so tall and your hairs so flippy?" I asked "Because I'm too sexy for you" "Sure you can believe that you little fag" "Are you still coming tonight?" "Of course" " good i'm gonna kidnap you for the day" "wait what?" "after the game were gonna chill at my house and then we'll go to the venue" "Okay."

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