Time Away

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*7 Months Later*

All of the snow has melted and it's starting to get sunny again oh how I'll miss the winter. I took another bite of the taffy stick before handing it back to Chris. "Two more days and then we're free to enjoy the world." I laughed turning back around. "We'll im taking a year off before I get started with anything" Devin said with a bit of a smile. " What about you?" I asked Chris. "We'll were going ok our first real tour in 4 days" "Oh my gosh thats amazing!" I yelled hugging him. He put his arms to my waist and squeezed me a bit. I pulled away and rejoined my spot between them and we continued to walk along the shops. "Whoa Pissy does that conflict a bit?" Devin reminded me  "Fuck" "Hey, no cursing. But what conflicts?" Because my moms birthday is two days before mine she decided as a gift to both of us we could take a trip to anywhere and I finnally got her to agree to Canada. So the day that we get out is when we leave and a few days before they start their first tour. "You know how I get to travel for my birthday?" "No it can't be" "Im so sorry" "We'll I'll tell Korel" "Thanks, how long?" "A month and a half" " But thats too long ill miss you guys too much" "I know it'll suck" "Wait was Ryan going to tell me or was he just gonna leave and disappear?" We've had an iffy relationship the past couple months expecially because five months ago I caught him kissing that blonde girl. But he apologized and swore he would stay away.

"Guys say something" I demanded ,but they wouldn't talk. "What the fuck is wrong with him?" " Hey calm down" "No I'm about to go to his job at talk to him about this" I started across the street to subway. "Liddy!" Chris yelled running after me. I walked in through the doors and saw Teddy behind the counter. "Hey Vidilia" "Hey Teddy, do you know where Ryan is I need to talk to him" "he doesn't work today" " wait what?" " only Tuesdays, Wednesday's, Thursdays and , Sunday."She read off of the chart "Do you know where he's at?" "no ,sorry" I felt somone grab me by the waist pulling me back. "Chris wait I'm hungry" Devin whined " You hungry?" he asked me looking down "Why did I ask, come on" he sat me up and walked me over to the case "has he ever even worked Mondays?" I asked."Don't give her anymore she's paranoid. Now what do you want on it." He wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me still. "Ooh can I get the usual thing?" I asked turning around and leaning in the case. " Yeah go sit by Devin I'll get it." I sat up and gave him a hug before sitting in front of Devin. "Dude just call him" I pulled out my phone and dialed his number ,but it went to voicemail. So I called another few times , but it never got through.

"What ever" I threw my phone down , but it slid to the floor. I herd a groan and the three piece were replaced on the table. And he slid in the booth next to me and placed his arm around me patting me on the back. "You know that doesn't make anything better"I mumbled. He stopped and slid me a sandwich "thank you" I took a bite and Teddy came over and joined us. "You okay?" "I guess,  Just really pissed and curious." " Well you know if their is something then its good that you have a whole summer." "yeah" I took another bite. "Hey I'm gonna go for a smoke.You coming?"Devin asked I looked at Chris and he looked a bit upset ,but let me out. I followed Devin out and sat on the bench right outside. He gave me one and the lighter after he got his. I turned around and it looked like Chris and Teddy were having a deep conversation. "What do you think they're talking about?" I asked taking a draw  from the pasty white stick. "I don't know , but don't worry just talk to Ryan at school" "I'm not sure If I want to" "Well im not gonna force anything , but at least text him." I left it burning on the sidewalk and went in to grab my phone and they got real quiet almost pin drop silent. I grabbed the pieces and reassembled it and turned it on. I took my spot beside Devin and opened up my messages. I haven't texted him in more than a week. "Hey whats up?" I texted him.

"Are you sure you even want to be with him I'm sure that you could find someone better." "Maybe ,but I actually kind of love him" "ewww can't you just like not" "ugh its not that simple. And arnt you two friends?" " yeah, and so are we." " You done I kinda wan a see if we could catch what they were talking about." "just ask Chris later you know he tells you everything." " I doubt hed tell me this" "fine lets go in then" I shoved my phone back in my pocket and followed in him and back to the booth. They were talking about some movie and I just ate and listened to them talk. "Hey wanna come back to my house?" he asked "ugh you should come to mine then Devin can chill too." " okay " I hugged Teddy and we walked back to my house. "Hey Liddy" my mom said with a generous smile. "Hey" I  ran up to my room with them closely behind and I jumped on my bed and so did Devin. "What do you guy wanna do?" "Threesome?" Devin asked with a devilish wink. " I worry about you sometimes." "fine swimming?" "too cold, hot tub?" " yeah, I'm gonna go get my suit" home walked out. "What about me?" " Second drawer you left them over here" I herd the friction of the wood and felt something being thrown at me. "Im gonna change in the bathroom. after I herd my door shut I pulled off the t-shirt and pulled off my pants replacing my garments with a thin black swim suit.

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