This Is My Life Now

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"WAKE UP BEAR WERE HERE!" London yelled at me." I dont wanna load  the stuff." I whined and flipped over. "Get up." I sat up and immediately hit my head. "Fuck" I moaned "oh yeah were about to play." "Um what?" "You were asleep and slapped Ethan so we just carried you out , but we play in Like four hours wanna go explore." "Lets go explore the Verizon store. "Okay, theres one down the block I think." I hopped out and smoothed my hair down a bit. "I need a scooter." " there's a Wal-Mart down the street."fuck everything's down the street. We turned the corner and just near the horizon was a Wal-Mart with fields before it. "Down that street." "Fak you." "I didnt loose my phone inside a wall did I?" "No."

A Large tour bus drove by us and turned in. "Who all's here tonight?" "Emmure, Alesana, I wrestled a bear once, For Today, Born of Osiris, and Chelsea Grin.Most of the bands are on other tours so in about a month we'll have all of them." "I swear If I meet Alex Koehler." "Him and Mike are actually pretty cool, if you don't fan girl I bet he'd introduce you two.Na he's single. " "Didn't I say I dont want a boyfriend?" "Yeah, fuck buddies?" "Eww." We got to the little shopping center and went inside the Verizon store "Hi welcome to Verizon,  may I help you?" "Hi, I have a phone with you and its broken." "Do you have it with you?" London started laughing. " it's um in my wall."  "I see, so you'll be need a new SIM card too?" " Yea." " well do you know what phone you would like?" "The IPhone 4 maybe." "Thats a great choice, black or white." "Black." She walked to the back and we leaned on the case. "You suck" I violently whispered "you threw your phone inside of a wall."  "Fak you." "Bish where you get all this money?" "My father had money and died.But he sucked dick" "How much? " "If im carful I would never have to work a day in my life." " Then why are you?" "I like to work and I donate $200 to charity every month so I have to make up for that." " I dont get you." " okay Your aunt was a millionaire and she left you half of her money would you leave Fats?" " well no.But millions?" " Thats not the point.And don't tell anyone only 3 people know " "I wont.But why don't you like him?"

The woman came over and sat the phone on the counter sliding a bunch of papers on a clip board.I filled thrm all out and finnally got the phone. "Boo whats your number?" "Um 570-272-6734" " Cool, now to Wal-Mart." We walked across the parking lot and into thr store. Oh how I hate Wal-Mart. "Do me a favor" I requested "sure." " I give you money you buy me booze." "You share?" "Sure, but we need to get stuff to make thw van fun." I grabbed a shopping cart and put a bunch of protein bars, fruit snacks, and juice boxes."arnt you supposed to eat real food? " "maybe.ooh hand sanitizer." I grabbed a few bottles and put them in the cart. "Where do you plan on putting all of this?" In the trailer and food in the van." " okay, ooh scooters. " I ran over there were little electric scooters."Whats the weight limit?" " 180." " yes im getting it walkings to hard." " damn girl, well there's only one left and im not gonna ditch you." " skateboard?" "Sure, we pushed the box and tha cart all the way to the front and everyone looked at us like we were stealing it when ive seen somone walk out of a buffet with a tray full of lobsters and noone stopped him.

"Do you two have a little daughter?" An older blinde woman that was ringing us up asked.Before I could say anything he started "Yes, shes 8 now and such a sweet heart." "Whats her name?" "Luci" "short for Lucille?" "Actually Lucifer." She stopped for a minute and I tried not to laugh the lady scanned it and we sat in front of the store putting it togeather while the rain sprinkled. "No you push the little black button down then pull it out." "Fine, Father of my luciferen child." "Did you see her face?" "No i was trying not to laugh." I did it and the little red light came on ."success, can you even ride a skateboard?" "Girl,I was the little skater i with flippy hair. So many mistakes." I put the sake in the little seat on it and followed him out of the parking lot. The way was down hill so he went Pretty fast expecially on the slick streets. "You take so long." "Its a kids scooted it doesnt got 25 miles an hour." "Excuses." I stooped by the trailer where Mike was smoking while sitting on the ground."Why the fuck do you have a little scooter?" "Wal-Mart." " let me try." "I get a smoke?" " sure." I stopped and put the little kick stand up trading him for the pack.

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