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Yoongi and Jimin lay on the roof, not talking, not moving- just enjoying each other's company in complete silence.

Jimin's head rested on Yoongi's chest as he listened to his heart beat. The younger's eyes fluttered open and shut as he tried to stay awake. He could sleep but he didn't want to. He just wanted to enjoy this moment.

Soon, his lack of sleep got the best of him. But, he didn't fall asleep, just closed his eyes. He rolled to the side, wrapping his arm around Yoongi's waist. 

Yoongi closed his eyes, too, cuddling up with Jimin. He pulled the green blanket father up over the both of them.

Neither of them could get tired of this. Ever. It felt as if they coukd lay there for hours and never get tired of being so close. Ah, they enjoyed being together. Being in love with each other. It was a nice feeling to know someone shared your feelings.

Yoongi kissed Jimin's forehead and ruffled his now-orange hair. Yoongi's hair was bleached blonde with dark roots. It looked nice, Yoongi thought.

Jimin's phone buzzed in his back pocket. He groaned but knew he had to check it. And, was glad he did.

"Yoongi." Jimin said, staring down at the message on his screen.

Jimin knew the baby was due in the next couple months but didn't think it would be so soon. He wasn't ready. He wasn't ready to be a dad.

"She's too early... That's not good, is it?" Jimin's body began to shake in fear.

"Don't worry, Jimin. It's okay. Maybe she just got tired of waiting to meet you." Yoongi said, trying to make Jimin feel a little better, "Let's go ahead and go down there, yeah?"

Jimin nodded and wrapped the blanket up in his arms, holding it tight to His chest. God, he hoped his baby would be okay.


Jimin sat with a death grip on Yoongi's hand. They still had probably seven more hours but Jimin was wide awake and scared as could be.

"Jimin, baby, please try to get some sleep, okay?" Yoongi said, rubbing the back of Jimin's hand with his thumb. They'd already been here for a few hours. They ate, to keep Jimin distracted, but other than that, there wasn't much they could do.

"I can't," Jimin mumbled.

"Come on, just try. I don't want you to he on the verge of falling asleep when you finally get to meet her." Yoongi scratched his fingers over Jimin's scalp. Jimin liked when Yoongi did that.

"I've got to use the bathroom." Jimin said. It was an obvious excuse but Yoongi pretended to buy into it.

"Come with me, please?" Jimin asked, eyes looking glossy and dialated. Yoongi couldn't say no.

"Yeah, I guess. But, when we get back I want you to try to take a little nap. I'll set an alarm for a few hours from now. We have time." Yoongi stood up, clearing the notification from Jungkook saying he and Tae were on their way.

Jin had called earlier, wondering why Yoongi hadn't shown up to work that night so he quickly explained. Jin then immediately closed up shop and sent Taehyung and Jungkook to the hospital. Jin would be there not long after. Jimin doesn't know they're coming and Yoongi secretly hopes Jimin will be asleep by the time they do.

He really wants Jimin to get at least a little sleep.

Yoongi waited outside while Jimin did what he needed to do- taking a little lomger than he should and Yoongi knew he was obviously stalling once more. He knows that Jimin is scared but he's more worried about his heath.

Jimin soon came back out. The bags under his eyes seemed almost more prominent. All the more reason he needs to sleep.

Yoongi lowered the lights in the small waiting room, seeing they were the only ones there.

Jimin laid across his chest, holding him tight to take out some of the nerves.

"Relax, Jiminie." Yoongi said in a low voice. He wanted to stay awake until he knew Jimin was asleep. The older rubbed Jimin's back softly and gave his head a few kisses. Anything to make Jimin feel more comfortable.

He focused in on Jimin's breathing for a while before he knew he'd finally fallen asleep.

Taehyung and Jungkook appeared around the corner and Yoongi instantly put his finger to his lips, telling them to be quiet.

"How much longer?" Jungkook whispered.

"A while." Yoongi replied, "I'm going to try to take a little nap, too, before the baby's here. Lord knows Jimin is going to be an emotional mess."

Taehyung chuckled at what Yoongi said and pulled Jungkook to the large chair in front of the other two. Jungkook curled into a ball, wrapping himself around Taehyung.

Yoongi always admired how the two were. They were just so natural together- so meant to be together. He used to be envious, but that was before he met Jimin.

He looked down at the sleeping boy and his heart began to ache. He saw the email to Jimin's parents the other day. Yoongi didn't mean to look, Jimin just left the screen open on the computer.

Jimin plans on moving back to Busan, soon. By soon, Jimin meant in probably a year or, "whenever Yoongi and I break up."

Yoongi recalled the email, tears almost coming to his eyes:

Hey, aunt Chaeyoung... It's Jimin. Well, Yun is having my baby, soon. I guess my mom and dad are getting what they always wanted from their gay son. Anyways, I was thinking of coming back to Busan after she's born. Though, I know my parents won't let me live with them. I wont be back for maybe a year or whenever Yoongi and I break up. Yoongi's my boyfriend. I don't want to leave him, I'm like all he has, but I feel like I have to. I don't think he'll want a baby living in our tiny apartment for very long. He really is a wonderful guy but... I don't know. I love him to death but as much as it hurts me, I know I should move back home.

So, would I be able to live with you? Just for a little while? I could stay in Kookie's room. I'll even pay rent, if you need me to. It'll just be until I can support her and I on my own.

Thank you,

- jiminie

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