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Yoongi would be lying if he said he wasn't extremely comfortable in the position they were in when they woke up. Jimin's head was tucked into his chest, arms pulled tight to his body, while Yoongi's own arms were around him. Jimin had woken up in the middle of the night from a nightmare; ending up thrashing around, crying, and seemingly believing that his dream was real. 

The feeling of Jimin's body pressed up against his made him feel almost... Relaxed. If that's the right word to use. He liked knowing that Jimin was okay- that he was sound asleep now. Yoongi softly ran his fingers through Jimin's hair. It's just something he likes to do. Even before they were dating, it was just like a habit of Yoongi's to play with Jimin's (now black and matching with his own) hair.

Jimin made a little noise and shifted his body a little. Yoongi froze, not wanting to wake Jimin up. Luckily, he didn't and Jimin went right back to the way he had been.

Yoongi's eyes shot over to the clock.


Too early, Yoongi thought. He pulled the covers farther up over the two of them and closed his eyes again. They still had a few hours before they had to get up. Yoongi would surely fall back asleep quickly, now. He'd never really been well acquainted with sleep in the past but it seems like whenever Jimin is sleeping alongside him, it helps him, almost. Helps him to fall asleep easier.

After a few more hours passed, Yoongi awoke to the feeling of Jimin shuffling around, mumbling in his sleep. Yoongi rubbed his eyes and figured now was a good time to get out of bed.

Yoongi unwraped his arms from around the younger and sat up.

"Jiminie," Yoongi said softly, not wanting to startle him at all, "time to wake up."

Jimin's eyes fluttered open. He made a little grumbling noise and shoved his face in the pillow.

Yoongi chuckled and brushed his hands through his hair. Jimin is often hard to wake up. Speaking of whom rolled onto his back and opened his eyes again.

"Morning, Jim."

"Morning." Jimin mumbled and curled himself around Yoongi's leg. His mind was still clouded from sleep so he hadn't yet realized what day it was.

"Want me to tell Baekhyeon we're gonna visit him? Or still leave it as a surprise?" Yoongi asked, running his fingers up and down Jimin's arm.

"Surprise." Jimin muttered.

"Okay. Let's get something to eat, yeah?" The older proposed and straightened his legs out, causing Jimin to have to let go. Jimin nodded and sat up.

"Thank you for last night. I thought those dreams were gone." He got out of bed and went towards the bathroom.

"It's alright." Yoongi watched Jimin disappear and then went to go get dressed.


"HYEONIE!" Yoongi squealed and scirried towards his brother. The older boy engulfed him in a tight and welcoming hug. Yoongi couldn't express how happy he was feeling now- being able to see his brother after so long. His eyes began to tear up a little and Baekhyeon noticed this.

He pulled back, "Everything alright, Yoongs?"

Yoongi nodded and wiped his eyes, "Yeah, sorry. I'm just happy to see you."

Baekhyeon kissed the top of his head. The two boys were always very close. Baekhyeon still treats Yoongi, though, as if he is still five years old.

"So," Baekhyeon said as he took a sest on the edge of his hospital bed, "You must be Jimin. Can't say I remember you having black hair- well, either of you for that matter." He chuckled.

"Yeah- We actually died our hair together the other night." Jimin said. Yoongi could tell he was a little nervous by the way he was just standing there.

"That's cute. You two dating yet?" Baehyeon's voice never changed pitch. It was a dead serious question.

Yoongi and Jimin looked over at each other. Jimin gave a slight nod. Earlier, they'd discussed whether or not telling him. They knew it would make him happy- so why not? But, they figured they should wait to tell their friends. Just to see if this whole dating thing was going to work out. For Jimin, that is. He constantly doubts himself.

"Yeah, actually." Jimin chuckled.

"Prove it."


"I said prove it."

"Yoongi, sweetie-" Jimin burst out laughing. He didn't know why he found it so funny to hear him asking to prove their relationship. He thought that Baekhyeon would be asking.

Jimin walked forward and planted a soft kiss on Yoongi's lips. He smiled in satisfaction and turned to see Baekhyeon standing up and doing a little victory dance.

"Ahh, I've gotta call Jungkook!" Baekhyeon fumbled for his phone.

"No!" Yoongi coughed, "We don't want to tell them just yet."

"You idiots. I was talking to him last night. They all know. You two aren't good at keeping it a secret. I could sense it the second you two walked in."

The three of them hung out together for the next few hours. Yoongi was just so, so happy to finally be swing his brother again. It had been so many years. This was such a relief.

Yoongi would never forget the moment when Baekhyeon pulled him aside just before they left. What he said struck something inside Yoongi deep. He'd never forget it.

"Remember that, kid."

"I will, I will. Don't worry."

They hugged and said their goodbyes. Yoongi was sad that it was time for then to go but Jimin told him, "Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened." Yoongi just laughed at the mention of the cheesy quote but didn't realize at the time how true it would turn out to be.

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