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"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier- What I said. I don't know if it made you uncomfortable or anything..." Yoongi looked down shyly.

"It's okay, Yoongi." Jimin chuckled and kissed his temple. Jimin could tell there was something bothering him, and now he knew what it was.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Yoongi. I'm sure. Don't worry about it, alright?" Jimin leaned back and closed his eyes. His hand- arm wrapped around Yoongi shoulders- played with Yoongi's hair. Jimin loved being able to do this.

Jimin soon removed his arm and grabbed their trash from dinner. It was already really late, so they knew they wouldn't be able to see Baekhyeon today. But, they would tomorrow. Right now, they were maybe half an hour from their hotel room.

"I can drive the rest of the way." Jimin said and jumped out the passenger door. He felt bad that Yoongi has drove most of the way. Yoongi was going to protest but Jimin had already ran around to the driver's side. He slid over and turned down the heaters.

"Sure you're comfortable with driving in the dark- somewhere you don't know?"

"I'll be fine, Yoongi. Don't worry." Jimin assured and turned the navigation back on. He set it in the cup holder and started the engine. Yoongi leaned his head on Jimin and giggled.

"This feels so weird to be able to do this."

Jimin shrugged, "I like it."

"Yeah, me too." Yoongi closed his eyes and adjusted himself.

"Thirty-four minutes. Don't get too comfy because I'm not carrying you inside." Jimin laughed.

"That happened ONE time!" Yoongi defended. He wouldn't forget when he fell asleep on the way home and Jimin bad to carry him inside. He still couldn't understand how he didn't wake up. 

"I'm just kidding." Jimin poked Yoongi's thigh. Yoongi hummed and closed his eyes again.

"I'll try not to fall asleep." The older mumbled. Jimin didn't reply but began driving. He really wouldn't care if Yoongi did fall asleep. He'd just have to wake him up. Jimin tired his best to keep his mind distracted. If he didn't, he knew exactly what he would begin to think about. No, it's not like earlier. It's more depressing.

Jimin just feels like they are rushing into things too fast, maybe. Are they? It was so quick to happen- they confessed to each other and later that night gained the title of "dating." Neither of them had ever been in a relationship before, as well. Yoongi had no idea what he was supposed to do. He just watches a lot of movies.

Jimin looked down at the boy who was now presumably asleep. Jimin smiled to himself. Yoongi always looked so peaceful while he slept. That was just one of the many things Jimin loved about him.


The younger brushed his fingers through Yoongi's hair. His head was placed on Jimin's lap once again. One of Yoongi's arms was wrapped around Jimin's left leg. He found it kind of cute.

Yeah, Jimin thought, I could definitely get used to this.

Surely they'd become less clingy towards each other as time went on but Jimin wouldn't mind that. It happens in most relationships. At first, you are both touchy and clingy- wanting to be around the other as much as possible. But, as time grows on you loose that need and want for affection 24/7. Maybe it's because you have more of a reassurance that they're really going to be there for a while or that you've just grown so comfortable around them that just their presence is enough to calm your conscious.

After another thirty minutes, they had arrived at their hotel. Jimin gently woke Yoongi up who apologized profusely for falling asleep even though he had promised not to. Jimin just chuckled and told him it was alright. Half of Jimin was expecting Yoongi to fall asleep anyways.

Yoongi rubbed his eyes as he lumbered towards the front office next to Jimin.

Jimin signed in and paid for the room (not telling Yoongi he paid for all of it, of course. It was the least Jimin could do). He steered the half-awake boy to the door down the hallway and let themselves in.

"Brush your teeth before you get in bed, Yoongs." Jimin giggled, sounding like a parent. Yoongi smiled with his eyes half-shut and forced himself off the chair with his backpack.

"It's cold in here," Yoongi complained with his mouth full of toothpaste.

"I know but we've got extra blankets in the truck. We'll be fine." Jimin pulled off his shoes and discarded his jeans. His sleep shirt fell past his thighs so he didn't really care. It was something that Jungkook used to own. He went through a phase a few months ago where he bought many VERY oversized shirts and then realized he looked like an idiot and gave them to Jimin. Did he accept them because why not? They were kind of nice. This was was a black long sleeve shirt; one of which he found kind of cute on himself.

Yoongi finished getting ready and climbed into bed. He texted Baekhyeon to say goodnight much like he does every night. He still hadn't told him that they were going to visit tomorrow. The mattress was soft and it felt like he was just sinking into it. He pulled the covers up to his neck and laid on his side. He liked sleeping close to the wall.

Jimin came back out a few minutes later. Neither boy gave any thought to the fact that there was only one bed. It had just seemed natural for them. They've slept together before.

"G'night, Jimin." Yoongi mumbled.

"Night, Yoongi." Jimin said in a quiet, almost whisper-like voice. Jimin draped his arm over Yoongi's waist, knowing he wouldn't mind. Yoongi was quite the cuddler and he wasn't afraid to admit that. Jimin always found that so cute. They both wondered if they should tell his brother or not. His brother obviously wants them together, thanks to the countless remarks from him. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.

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